Media Parents

Posts categorised as: Freelancer Profiles

5 minutes with PC Emma Bellars

Hi All, writes PC Emma Bellars
Looking for some help? I’m currently on mat leave before returning to full time PC role in mid April. I have absolutely no money coming in until then and desperately looking for anything whilst I’m home.

Emma Bellars

I have 3 days a week I can dedicate to absolutely anything- admin/research/secretary/coordinator work. With credits on Great British Railway Journeys, Afghanistan: No Country for Women and Dispatches: Vaccine Wards, I’m proficient in Albert and sound mouse too.
I have my own laptop, just looking to help in any way possible, whilst earning a little bit of money and not going crazy in the last few weeks! Please get in touch!
Thank you,
P.S. The photo is myself and Maxwell, the little bean who’s my current sidekick!
Log in to Media Parents and click here to get Emma’s contact details.

freelancers finding it tough out there contact the Film + TV Charity for support here: - the jobs and social networking site for short term, part time, job share and regular hours jobs in media.

March 6, 2024 @ 9:55 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles, News, TV Returners Comments Off

5 minutes with Producer Stephanie Carpanini


Hi there! writes Producer Stephanie Carpanini. I’m a first time mum and long time Producer looking for a job share. I have worked in casting (C4’s Secret Life of the Safari), location and story (A&E’s Prison Brides), studio (BBC’s MasterChef), as well as commercial and branded content projects (Southampton FC’s 23/24 kit launch).

Producer Stephanie Carpanini is looking for a job share or part time work.

I’ve been in TV for over 13 years working across fact ent, obs docs and some reality. I would like to gain edit and welfare experience, and work on varied content jobs.

If anyone at a similar level with a similar CV would want to chat about a job share then please get in touch!

I am looking to return to work in April/May either in a part time (3/4days a week) or job share capacity. Then build back up to full time, as my daughter settles into nursery. I am happy to do recces or location shoots in the UK, for short periods of time whilst my daughter is still young.

Producer Stephanie Carpanini is looking for a job share or part time work.

If anyone at a similar level with a similar CV would want to chat about a job share then please get in touch! Log in to Media Parents and click here for Steph’s contact details.

Join us for Media Parents jobs, events and training at

March 4, 2024 @ 4:06 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles, News, TV Returners Comments Off

5 minutes with PM Bella Gregory


Who Am I?

writes Production Manager Bella Gregory.

Bella Gregory, PM

Imagine Liz Lemon, with her endless supply of quirky quips and snack foods, meets Olivia Pope, with her unshakeable resolve and impeccable wardrobe (okay, maybe just the resolve part). That’s me, Bella Gregory, striding through the world of production management with my trusty notebook in one hand and a bag of cheesy blasters in the other (to my absolute horror these have actually become a thing that people consume – hot dog, rolled in a pizza, covered in so much cheese).

From managing complex international shoots to negotiating with demanding crew, talent, vendors etc. I’ve done it all with a blend of humour, strategy, Kindness, compassion and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Why I’m the Gladiator in a Suit You Need:

International Fixer:

I’ve tackled production challenges across the globe, from the bustling streets of London and New York to the remote reaches of the Congo, all while keeping my sense of humour intact.

Budget Wizard:

Crunching numbers while I find the best deal on night cheese, I maximise every penny of a budget, ensuring the show goes on without a hitch.

Crisis Avenger:

When production snafus arise, I channel all my energy handling each crisis with a “consider it handled” attitude and a side of Lemon-esque quips.

Team Leader Extraordinaire:

Leading with a mix of compassion, humor, and a no-nonsense approach, I inspire the team to achieve the impossible, proving every day that “there’s always a way.”

What’s Next:

I’m looking for my next big challenge, a project that requires a unique blend of creative problem-solving, steadfast leadership, and the ability to laugh in the face of adversity (and occasional danger). If you’re in need of someone who can navigate the complexities of production with finesse and relatable humanity, let’s make TV magic together.

Let’s Connect:

For a brainstorming session, a crisis consultation, or just to share your favourite “30 Rock” quote, reach out. Let’s create something memorable.

Bonus Fact:

I am an actual New Yorker from NY, who holds dual UK/USA Citizenship. (I have jumped on many a red eye to LA to just deliver rushes).

Log in to Media Parents and click here to see Bella’s CV

Join us for Media Parents jobs, events and training at

@ 2:37 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles, News Comments Off

5 minutes with returning Production Manager Katie Bevell


A wave from the sidelines writes returning Production Manager Katie Bevell – I’d love to come back now please!

Returning Production Manager Katie Bevell is looking for a job share partner

I’m sure I’m a story that is echoed all over. I thoroughly enjoyed my early production career, working my way up the ladder in drama and film, a bit of documentary thrown in. It was hard work, long hours but I loved it. Then having children made me rethink and step away, but now, thanks to a refresher course from ScreenSkills, I’m looking to get back in, and find a job share partner, writes Katie Bevell.

How did I get here? After a full-on career working up from production coordinator on EastEnders, to production manager on acclaimed BBC drama Five Daughters, I hit decision making time. Being a woman of a certain age, I decided that segwaying into post production might make it easier on family life. From post supervisor in drama, to post production manager on Songs of Praise, I still got the buzz although I missed production.

We moved to the High Peak, accessing work in and around Manchester for both my props husband and me in post production. The facility post producer door closed as hours were just too inflexible with a toddler plus my second came along. It was hugely challenging – I dotted around various unconnected freelance roles with a plan to concentrate on my career again once the children started school.

And then the pandemic.

Hats off to all during that time. Working parents, those furloughed, those with no income for five months all with school children at home trying to support learning. I salute all of you. I put my career plans on hold, and did a little super flexible sidetrack info festival management.

We may or may not be out of the woods yet, but it feels like schools are stable now and, later than planned, I’m here and working out my plan to come back. I got in touch with Amy at Media Parents and magically landed an interview…

I’m very aware I’ve been out of the game a while. My organisational skills are still there but I feel rusty so I was really excited to find a ScreenSkills course, aimed at production people returning after a career break, and looking to expand their co-ordinating skills into unscripted. The paid placements designed to solidify that training seem sensible with just one catch…. they’re full time as right now that’s the norm in production coordinating. Ok… that’s impossible with my home responsibilities…

I’m working with ScreenSkills and the lovely people at Media Parents to see how someone like me could access this training and paid placements. Part time if a production company can facilitate it, but one option is a job share situation. I’ve put the word out – if anyone out there is like me and interested in this Manchester course but needs part time – please get in touch via Media Parents!!! (Applications are now closed but maybe together…)

Katie Bevell

Production, Post Production and mum of two….

Media Parents is running an online networking event with Naked, part of Fremantle on March 9th, scroll our blog for details. Join us for Media Parents events, jobs and training at

February 15, 2022 @ 4:13 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles, TV Returners Comments Off

5 minutes with Offline Editor Daren Tiley


Back in September 2020 I put a post out on LinkedIn saying I was available for work and one of my old series producer friends from The One Show, Gareth Collett, got in touch with me about cutting a taster promo for a new series about Matt Baker’s family farm in Durham.

Media Parents Editor Daren Tiley edited the More4 Series from his home edit suite

After 4 days of shooting and 8 days of editing in the Daren Tiley Editing Suite we had produced an amazing 18 minute taster promo to take to the channels to sell!! Both Matt Baker and Gareth Collett were really excited by the cut and I had a hunch we had something very genuine and special which could be made into a possible series. After a couple of weeks I got the phone call from Matt saying Channel 4 really liked the 18 minute taster promo and wanted to commission a 4 part series for More4 !! Great news!! But even better news was they wanted me DT Editing to proceed with the whole post production process to channel delivery if possible!!

Editor Daren Tiley with Presenter Sunita Shroff, Media Parents Director Amy Walker and Scripted Director Peter Chipping at Media Parents YouCanFreeUs Christmas drinks at the RGS

I naturally said yes and the production started straight away in mid October. There were 3 filming blocks of 10 day shoots and after the final block was filmed in early December post production started straight away. There was over 130 hours of rushes to be digitised and transcoded for a second Avid suite at the production companies office Big Circus Media which I helped build for them via installation company Altered Images.

After 12 weeks of Offline editing at DT Editing and 12 weeks of offline editing at Big Circus Media’s production office we finally had all 4 episodes picture locked. Not an easy time as we were all in lockdown and sharing Avid sequences between the 2 locations and having many zoom editing sessions with Matt & Gareth.
I was holding about 20 TB of storage for the series as I usually work with everything at full resolution.
With the looming TX date fast approaching the grade was done and I was to start the online’s of all 4 episodes followed by the audio dub by a fiend of mine who also has his own remote dubbing suite. Once  everything was done it I exported the final master sequences for QC and channel delivery.
An epic journey and many many long hours in the DT Editing suite but at least it has kept me sane during lockdown 3 though plus this time I am getting not only my name credit but also a facilities credit too!!
All episodes are currently Tx’ing on More4 so enjoy all!! Keep watching – the figures have been great!!
I will be available from mid May onwards so give me a buzz if your looking for an editor in the coming months ahead

Watch Matt Baker Our Farm in the Dales now on More4

Join us for Media Parents events, jobs and training at Our next event will be company networking online, see this blog for details.

April 22, 2021 @ 1:39 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles, News Comments Off

5 minutes with Producer Jodie Chillery


It was February 2020, and it was Prince Harry’s final engagement. With Lewis Hamilton, HRH was set to open a motor museum before a new life awaited in America. For me it was the shoot that would be the final tick in the box for my development to get its long-awaited greenlight, writes Media Parents Producer Jodie Chillery.

Development Producer Jodie Chillery works on access to Prince Harry.

Two years I’d been working on access to secure a new series that would see me directing shoots at the Isle of Man TT, the Silverstone GrandPrix and Manchester’s Parklife Festival. The positive parley with Prince Harry’s people to allow me to cover this event was definitely going to guarantee 2020 as a career highlight…

…And then it was March 2020.

The green light turned to amber.

The amber light has since dimmed so much it’ll require more than a battery change to resurrect the pitch.

Today, I’m teacher to a 9 year old boy who, for the most part, is more intelligent than I, loves a debate and is very strong willed in working on doing his own thing in his own time.  I don’t have the relevant qualifications, patience, resilience, willpower, skill, experience or desire to be a teacher.

Despite my obvious love for all things filming and TV, I’ve grown to hate You Tube and its inane content with such ferocity that most days I come close to doing a Kirstie Allsopp and threaten to smash any screen that dares to air its jaunty little red and white logo.

If you thought two years for access was a long time, that was a doddle compared to the two and a half hours to complete one 12 X tables worksheet. I cried. He cried. The video wouldn’t play. The printer told us to f*ck off. He demanded 84 counters so he could work out how many times 12 goes into 84. I dutifully cut up and coloured 84 tiny, floaty, bits of paper only for this unintentional confetti to end up under the bed, behind the cupboard and in my underwear. Ultimately I screamed “SEVEN, it’s seven!”

This was not the career highlight I had been hoping for.

Producer Jodie Chillery at the TV day job that's definitely easier than homeschooling!

For respite, we make a regular trip to the pharmacy and paper shop for a shielding neighbour. Over the months, we’ve watched a Barn Owl nest, hunt and hope to spot its owlets fledge. We’ve watched the trilogies of Back to the Future, The Karate Kid and Short Circuit. And when school was briefly open I coached a teacher in basic camera skills and edited his footage for a Remembrance film and their Christmas performance.

Isolation, sickness, death, the darkness of winter, the 12 times table, fronted adverbials and what the Vikings at Lindisfarne ate will all, I‘m sure, make me a better producer, and a more grateful workmate.

It’ll soon be March again. March the 8th precisely (International Women’s Day!), I’m led to believe is when I’ll be available for work. Give me posturing princes, apprehensive police officers and sensitive scripts any day, I’m more than ready to take them on!

If you’re looking for work after homeschooling join us for How to Ace a Job Interview Online.

Join us for Media Parents events, jobs and training at

February 7, 2021 @ 6:52 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles, News Comments Off

5 minutes with Jonathan Richardson User Researcher


I drifted into user research from my media work, writes Media Parents’ Jonathan Richardson. Back in the day of BBC iPlayer’s launch I gathered feedback and worked with the development team to prioritise improvements and test new ideas.

Since then I’ve been working on a range of websites and services to uncover audience insights. While I’ve mainly worked in government and academia, I’m looking to pivot back to focus on media organisations. There’s a clear opportunity for organisations to get into user research to understand their audiences.

User research is a mix of roles: combine journalism with anthropology, academic research and a lot of project management. And it makes for a highly interesting job.

I ensure that organisations understand their audiences by creating research to understand user motivation and behaviour. Once we have a good working knowledge I then lead teams to create new designs to determine if these improve the user experience.

This can be making a website be clearer and flow better. For example, so students find the right course for them. Or I map out journeys and processes to understand where the pain points and opportunities are.

My work has mainly been remote based, even before lockdown. I can spend most of my day interviewing people then documenting and analysing it. Interviews can be like therapy to some as I listen to them vent or talk their troubles out. My journalism background definitely helps with interviewing.

User Researcher Jonathan Richardson

I also combine my freelance work with my own start-up plans for a remote writers’ room using Agile project management methods. I’ve been running this for the past year and we recently completed our goal of having a proof-of-concept that shows the process works.

I’m fortunate in that my wife was taking 2020 as maternity leave for our daughter so we haven’t had fights over who got to use the home office. Our son started school in September and we’re thankful that he’s enjoying it and is back with friends.

The amount of work has reduced slightly since Covid but there’s still plenty of demand. I use any free time to work on my own projects and train others in user research.

So if you’re looking to find out more about working in Agile and user research, or want to let me know about problems in your organisation, do get in touch. Likewise connect if you want to find out more about the remote writers room.

Get in touch here or via Media Parents

December 9, 2020 @ 12:19 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles, How To Comments Off

5 minutes with Justine Sullivan, Celebrity Producer on Home schooling


About me, writes Celebrity Producer Justine Sullivan:

Female in my late 40s

Live in West London

Mother of two boys aged 8 & 11

Kids’ father has Asperger Syndrome, so lockdown has been tough (although social distancing and isolation are two of his favourite things!)

Pretty much single parent the children

Work in TV as a Celebrity Producer/Celebrity Consultant – no work at all since lockdown. Furlough not much help as we are both directors of Ltd company so we are on the absolute minimum pay!

So, back to home school then after the weekend.

For the millions of kids not yet physically back at school and for those not fortunate enough to be at a school providing on-line teaching, this is probably how home schooling is going for them. Well this is how it is in our home.

7:30am Get up. Come downstairs and empty the dishwasher and set the table for breakfast. 

Call the kids to come down and have breakfast. Call them again and again and again and again. Resign myself to eat breakfast alone whilst continuously phoning the kids, repeating the words ‘Can you come down? What are you looking at? Why do you think you can just go on my phone and watch Youtube?’
Finish breakfast and yell upstairs again ‘If you don’t come down for breakfast, you won’t be able to game later (too late as they’ve already done so on the phones)’

Kids finally come downstairs and have breakfast. Bailey wants yet another pyjama day and Ruben wants to read. Fair enough on the reading front, but it would be easier for everyone if he just stuck to the schedule and maybe, just maybe we could all read at the same time thus encouraging Bailey to read more??
11am: Bailey still rolling on the sofa and Ruben has disappeared upstairs to get dressed.
11:45: Bailey finally picks up his laptop and logs onto the school files. Says he can’t see any new work, despite an email from school saying new files are there.  Nothing apart from a message from his teacher saying she’s been catching up on boxsets.  Bailey loses interest.
11:45 Bailey logs onto BBC Bitesize.
11:50: Bailey says he’s finished his first lesson and now it’s break time and he wants a snack as apparently, he’s hungry. Not sure that’s actually possible as he only had breakfast an hour ago.
Midday: Ruben logs onto his computer. Reads a headline on Youtube that LazarBeam has died of Coronavirus. Bailey jumps up from the sofa and goes over to Ruben saying ‘Oh let’s watch that!’ I say ‘I don’t care about bloody Coronabeam’ and could he just log onto to his school files!! (NB LazarBeam is safe and well)

Ruben logs onto his files and says he can’t write on any of the worksheets and wants to print off yet another 30 page document.

Logs off school files and logs onto BBC Bitesize.
15 minutes later says he’s done English, History and Maths and has learnt so much more from BBCBbitesize than the rubbish files school send over that don’t work.

I stupidly take a phone call for 20minutes and take my eye off the children. Both have now logged onto YouTube. Bailey tells me he’s doing Science – I’m not sure ‘How to make a party watermelon’ or ‘How to throw an egg in a bag of popcorn off a bridge’ constitutes a science lesson. Anyway, lunchtime.

As an accomplished Celebrity Producer / Consultant I’d appreciate a call to take me away from all this. My credits include six years on Top Gear, BAFTAs, GQ Men of the Year and several comedy shows. My greatest TV moment has to be spending a whole day with Tom Cruise on the Top Gear track, followed by a hand written Thank You note from him. Yes. It’s been framed!

Justine Sullivan is available now:

Join us for Media Parents events, jobs and training at

July 6, 2020 @ 1:02 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles Comments Off

5 minutes with Rahim Mastafa Offline Editor


What is In The Edit – The Film & TV Making-of Podcast? Writes freelance Media Parents Editor Rahim Mastafa. Rahim is Cardiff-based and has award-winning credits in factual, daytime and docs, including Channel 4′s Travel Man, read more here.

Offline Editor Rahim Mastafa

In the Edit is a weekly interview-based podcast where I speak to other working film & TV professionals. We talk about their careers, how they got started in the industry, some of their favourite projects and get inspiration for those who are working or want to work in film or TV.

Hear more about the making of Sherlock amongst many other shows on the podcast

Some of the guests I have so far interviewed from the world of drama are Dream Horse & Happy Valley Director Euros Lyn, Sherlock & Dracula Production Designer Arwel Jones, Broadchurch Doctor Who Costume Designer Ray Holman, Peaky Blinders & Tolkien Special Effects Supervisor Danny Hargreaves, Luther & Black Mirror DOP Stephan Pehrsson, DNEGTVthe VFX company behind shows such as Chernobyl, Star Trek: Picard, Locke & Key and Sex Education & His Dark Materials stunt coordinator Crispin Layfield.

Travelman Series Director Nicola Silk talks to Rahim for In the Edit

Factual guests I’ve interviewed are Barry Hecker, Series Producer of Sam & Shauna’s Big Cookout and The One Show, Graciela Watson, Senior Edit Producer of Find It, Fix It, Flog It, Bargain Hunt & Location, Location, Location Producer Director Nick Denning, Code Blue & Manhunt documentary director Iwan Robert, The Wedding Guru director Paul Symonds and more.

Sherlock & Dracula Production Designer Arwel Jones

The idea is to get as broad a range of working professionals as possible and for them to tell their story. I’m always on the lookout for more guests to join me on the podcast, so don’t be surprised if you get a message from me soon!

You can hear the podcast on these platforms:

And you can book Rahim here:

Join us for Media Parents events, jobs and training at

June 24, 2020 @ 4:08 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles, News Leave a comment

5 minutes with Voice Actor Artist Kerry Hutchinson


Your broadcast or other media products, whether commercials, factual documentaries, online or on TV, need a professional voice, writes voice actor, and ex-RAF Officer, Kerry Hutchinson.

Voice Actor Kerry Hutchinson at work

As a father of three children, Kerry knows life can get busy, even in lockdown. “But,” Kerry continues, “If I can help you, let’s chat. As a professional voiceover and voice actor with my own broadcast-quality equipment, I could help you if you need a voice for your next project. Contact me via Media Parents or via the link below – I’d be delighted to provide you a free sample read of a script to help you decide”.

So, how did I get into voiceovers? I used to be a Training Officer in the RAF and someone said I had a good ‘Radio 4’ voice – would I mind voicing some instructional videos? And someone else later said I should do voiceovers full-time.  I was lucky with a new agent who had a gap my vocal tones would fill on their gallery.  Having German as a second language helped me gain the attention of German-speaking companies and agencies, and being able to mimic accents has also helped with my vocal ‘shop front’.

Once I’d got an agent, I started investing in upskilling courses, especially, several years later, I decided to go independent.  Not a leap for the timid, because competition among indie VOs is pretty ferocious. And you have to upskill to keep on the ball.  Social media courses have really helped, especially when learning about techniques to reach out when networking and marketing for possible voice job leads.

And having been injured in combat when a serving infantry Officer in Afghanistan, the compensation helped me realise a long-held dream of not just launching as an independent voice actor, but having a professional, broadcast-quality studio set up, which I now have. The image below shows me (on the right) ‘resting’ on a combat patrol with the Gurkhas, with whom I had the honour to serve, in Helmand, Afghanistan.

Among the many things I have learned is to pitch for jobs that fit my vocal range – and with a voice that seems suited to documentaries, corporates and one-to-one style deliveries that engage with a ‘listener of one’ that’s what I play to. Of course, being able to sustain accents such as gravelly Slavic angry, fearsome and similar, I have started helping indie game developers voice their 2-D characters.

Kerry Hutchinson on manoeuvres in Afghanistan

I think. It is a fact that web presentations, explainers and e-learner need a trained, professional and believable voice to bring your product, presentation and training to life. And not just on TV – more than 1.3 billion people use social media – that’s a rise of 88% over the last five years, and equates to more than 8 new users every second. So how could my voice help you penetrate the above target audience with your broadcast voiced project, marketing and branding campaign, or in-house training?

Well, video slots often have complex messages that only have a short time to deliver their message – and the right voice can explain new concepts and deliver information persuasively and compellingly. And a compelling, plausible documentary or narrative voice is instrumental in selling your audiovisual story and encouraging viewers to watch future episodes. Your audience, indeed the wider public, make fast judgments on voice tone alone.

So the right voice – believable, persuasive – can attract traffic to your series, product or brand if the voice infers it is respectable and of value to them, and therefore worth listening to and watching. Especially for a major multinational like NATO, who employ me as their consistent ‘brand voice’ – even when I go to Afghanistan on short term contracts. Here’s an excerpt from a promo video I did at the start of 2020:

The right voice can inspire trust and confidence, with a perfectly rendered narration that is lively and engaging, delivering a high-quality message. And for more commercial considerations, if your product has a voice component it could boost Google rankings and increase social media shares.

Contact me at – as they say – “it’s good to talk.”

Our next event is a CV Masterclass on Friday May 1st online, contact us for details. Join us for Media Parents events, jobs and training at

April 24, 2020 @ 10:18 am Posted in Freelancer Profiles Comments Off