Media Parents Tech Catch Up March 15th
Media Parents is once again proud to partner with Alias Hire for our Camera Workshop on Tuesday 15th March. Please join us for a fun and informative evening which is free to members. See who is attending below.
Alias will be giving demos on the most contemporary shooting kit of the Sony FS7 and the Canon C300 mkII. You want to use them and Alias Hire will show you how! Alias Hire taff will be on-hand to demonstrate how to…
Shoot – Framing, colour balancing, Checking Audio levels etc
Guides and Techniques – Learn quick and easy techniques to make sure your shoot is as good as it can be
Manage Media – How best to back up media and have it ready for ingest
Guides and Techniques – Learn quick and easy techniques to make sure your shoot is as good as it can be
Manage Media – How best to back up media and have it ready for ingest
Every year it seems there’s a new ‘Must Have’ camera and now you can beat the rush and learn how to use them BEFORE you have to use them!
To sign up for tickets please use the link below, in conjunction with the password on our watercooler at and in our site email.
This event is free to Media Parents subscribers. Non members are asked to pay £15 to attend, redeemable against your first month’s subscription.
Alias Hire’s Alias Academy is also offering FREE training to Media Parents members. Please see our watercooler for details.
Aaro Akin Journalist/producer Freelance Alex Bottomley Production Runner Knickerbockerglory TV Ltd Alison Mee Producer Director (self shooting) UBM Alison Rooper Executive Producer In Focus Productions Amy Walker Director Media Parents Andrew Evans Editor Andrew Fineberg Freelance Edit Assistant Fremantle Media Ann Booth-Clibborn Executive producer freelance Ann Hawker producer freelance Anne Monnehay Editor Freelance Annie Arnold Shooting producer freelancer Ben Flower Production Exec Endemol Shine Ben Lawrie Director Freelance Brigitta Szaszfai Development researcher Knickerbockerglory TV Ltd Carolina Bodmer Production Coordinator Scripps Networks International Caroline Law Cloud Edits Ltd Cath Longbottom director, self shooter Flying Duck Limited Catherine Fox-Kirk Production Manager Raw TV Chris Purcell director/camera Right Angle Films Ltd Clare Burns Producer Freelance Claudia Hodes Researcher The Garden Productions Daniella Byrne Production Runner Knickerbockerglory TV Ltd DAREN TILEY EDITOR DT EDITING SERVICES LTD David Coward Producer Director Pathfinder Diana Hinshelwood Producer Freelance Donna Harry Shooting AP/Producer Freelance Ed Booth Series producer C5 Elizabeth Lawal Runner Raw TV Elli Josephs Producer Freelance Fiona Calvert PRODUCER / DIRECTOR FREELANCE (BBC) Fionna Moore Researcher Knickerbockerglory TV Ltd FRED HEPBURN EXECUTIVE PRODUCER NUTOPIA Gaby Koppel Edit/Series Producer Freelance George Bland Editor – Director Fire Rabbit LTD Gilberte Phanor Producer Sky News GINA mahoney Edit Producer Freelance GINNY BING PRODUCER/DIRECTOR FREELANCE Graciela Watson Edit Producer / SP Freelance Harriet Scott Series Editor Remarkable Television Harry Connolly Film Editor Harry Connolly Hayley Smith Series Producer Director Freelance Hazel Palmer Cameraman freelance Helen Walker Editor freelance Hermina Campbell Shooting PD Passionate Productions Ian Greaves Producer / Cameraman BigBlueWorld Jane Bevan Production Executive Raw TV Janet Midian Producer freelance at Discovery Jeannine Dowling-Jones PA/EA/Office Manager Mettle Jeff Bannis freelance freelance Jens Wikholm General Manager eva – the video social network Jessica Northcott Raw TV Runner Jo Azzopardi Production Exec Endemol Shine Joan Cuffy Production Manager Freelance Joanna Gretton Producer Freelance Jody Collins Production Exec Endemol Shine Jules Seymour Series Producer C5 / freelance Kate Dooley PD The Garden Kate Hampel Edit Director Freelance Kim Duke Producer/director; series producer Freelance Lara Oheimer Production Assistant Wild Pictures lauren Pollock Researcher Knickerbockerglory TV Ltd Leisa Fisicaro Producer / Director / Edit Producer Freelance Lina Caicedo Researcher Raw TV Lorraine Molloy Producer/director freelancer Louise Orton Producer/Director Freelance Lucie Kon Executive Producer Blakeway Productions Maria Vazquez-Medina Video editor/ Self-shooter Director freelance Martha Baileu production assistant in focus productions Matt Currington PD freelance Matt Holden Executive Producer Endemol Shine Meriel Beale Exec/SP Freelance Michelle Brooks Producer Show patrol Michelle Reynolds Producer / Director Freelance Miriam Ryan Producer Knickerbockerglory TV Ltd Morgan Phillips Producer/Director Freelance Nicki Stoker Producer/Director Freelance Nicola Asamoa Talent Manager Endemol Shine UK Nicola Waddell Series Editor Boxty Films-Waddell Media Octavia Landy Line producer MTV Paola Vera Digital Media Freelancer patricia emery producer/director sole trader Pauline Roenisch Production Manager Freelance Petet Demetris Producer/Director Freelance Phil Stein P/D, SP, Edit Producer freelance Rebecca McAllen ITV Recruitment ITV Richard Warburton Exec Producer MTV Rita Kaye Video Editor Golden Age Films Robert Cranham Casting Researcher/Researcher Freelance Rocio Cano PD PepaLtd Rosemary Laryea Producer/Presenter Rosemary Laryea Productions Ryker Mitchell Jr Researcher Freelance S Charlton Director-Editor Fudge Tiger Design Agency Sabine Pusch edit producer freelance Samuel Lumley Researcher Knickerbockerglory TV Ltd Sandra Smith HoP Endemol Shine SHANY STEPHANY PRODUCER NEWSPROMEDIA Sharron Ward Producer/Director Katalyst Productions Ltd Silvia Galeazzi Assistant Producer Freelancer Stephanie Stafford Runner Knickerbockerglory TV Ltd Steven Brown Freelance Video Producer Freelance Video Producer Suki Javle AP Knickerbockerglory TV Ltd Suna Yokes Journalist/Runner – Tamsin Curry Producer Freelance Tom Heycock Editor Camden Television Training William Shaylor Shaylor PM Freelance ZOE BROOKS Promo Producer freelance Zoe Popham Producer Freelance

Media Parents is brilliant for jobs, networking and training - see for details. Join us at our next event on March 15th.