media parents CV tips
October 10, 2018 @ 9:01 am Posted in Events, News CommentsOur next event, on October 17th, is a CV event, kindly hosted by ITV’s Shiver, in which freelancers discuss their CVs with employers, partly for advice and partly to network. Scroll down this blog to find out who is coming and read their CV tips, we’re also delighted to be joined by Raw TV in addition to those named below. There will be employers who are keen to network and employers who are looking to hire – hiring particularly factual Edit Producers and SPs, production roles and factual development people. Scripted employers looking to meet 1st ADs, Coordinators and Line Producers, people who want to cross over from factual and people who are interested in Scripted Development, with or without experience. Sound good?

Channel 4's Deborah Lane Winter at a Media Parents CV Event "If you've had a career break, avoid the suggestion that that's a problem in your cover letter or CV - it might not be a problem."
Jenny Spader, Fremantle CV tip : watch TV!
If you do nothing else between now and Wednesday, choose your top person to meet and watch their output so you can demonstrate an interest. Read how returner Jaime Caruana prepared for her meeting here.
media parents CV tip : focus on the top 1/3 of the 1st page
we all read CVs digitally these days. if you don’t have anything relevant to the job or company your interested in at the top of your CV the employer may not bother to scroll down. Front load your CV like pretitles.
ros malthouse, shiver CV tip: don’t rely on your cover letter
I don’t usually send on cover letters to execs or SPs, just your CV with a couple of lines, so make sure that any information you want to get across is on your CV – don’t put all the relevant info in your covering letter.
Sue Kenderdine, TwoFour cv tip: check your email address
ensure your email address is your name, i.e. not rather, If you have changed your name with marriage, be consistent so people can find you.
Media Parents cv tip : Include your name, contacts and job title at the top
Signpost. Also save the document as your name, job title, CV (and maybe the date). Send it in an email titled with your name and job title for max discoverability.
Noelle Barnett, BBC Scripted CV tip : tailor your CV
CVs lead with skillset and most relevant experience to the role you are going for. If you’re looking to move into a new area of work, then note the transferrable skills/experiences that you have that will help you establish yourself. You might have come a long way, but kill your darlings – it demonstrates that you can select relevant detail which is important in any TV job.
Keri atkins, kindle entertainment CV tip : use your CV to network
Including the names of managers / commissioners you have worked to (or talent you have worked with) enables your CV to start networking for you before you get into the room.
Jacquie Glanville, BBC Drama CV Tip : keep it to 2 pages
Keeping details brief, concise and informative helps when passing your details on to hiring managers. Your CV should read like a good menu!
Emily Gale, Fremantle : Make sure your interests are interesting!
On a CV a no no for me is when I read the person’s’ ‘Interests’ are :Eating, Reading, Travelling… Come on… those are universal interests! What makes you unique? What do you bring to the party? I love meeting people who have rich and diverse interests and who I can learn from. The best meetings I have are the ones where I frantically scribble down all the recommendations the freelancer has given me. Isn’t that after all why we work in this industry because we are always learning something new?

Fremantle's Emily Gale is unable to attend the event but Fremantle Talent Coordinator Jenny Spader will be there to meet freelancers
Emily Freshwater, Outline Productions CV tip : spell check
It’s not rocket science, mistakes can lose you a job and can stay on your CV for years. Get a friend to proofread or ask Media Parents for a CV M.O.T.
Emma Astaire, Shiver TV CV tip : keep the file size small
Some CVs are stored in inboxes and deleted if they are too large. Keep your formatting by saving as a PDF.
Emily Knight, RDF West – is unable to attend due to train disruption at Paddington today – sorry! Feel free to email us with a CV to pass on to Emily.
To attend this event see the watercooler at Can’t make it? Email us for CV advice via our contact button.
Do we choose the person most relevant to our skill set and add our name to the list of people queuing to meet them at the event this evening (between 6-7pm?)
Many thanks for clarifying.
Looking forward to meeting you all this evening,