Media Parents

5 minutes with… Ricky Valance & Quintessence Films’ Director Robin Toyne


The first Welshman to reach Number 1, Ricky Valance’s life has been defined by one monster hit: Tell Laura I Love Her. But what is like to be known for just one song when personally and professionally you feel you are so much more?  His fans may be aging and the venues may be smaller but, whilst he has his voice, he still takes to the stage 52 years on, determined to dispel the one hit wonder label.

BBC1 Wales, Sky 972 & Virgin 864

Tuesday 24th April 10:35pm

(and on iplayer as “They Sold a Million: Ricky Valance” until April 30th)

A Quintessence Films Production for BBC Wales.

Quintessence Films is in the COMPANIES section of

April 23, 2012 @ 10:05 pm Posted in News 1 Comment

Five Minutes with… A Media Parents Blogger


See for great networking, talent, jobs and information. To contact anyone on the Media Parents blog please go to the NETWORK part of the Media Parents site. To join us please go to

This London blogger is part of the Media Parents site, but blogs anonymously.  Her blog, Not a Notting Hill Mum, has been nominated for a blogging award, so if you’d like to vote for her after reading, please see details below.  If you’d like to write for the Media Parents blog, anonymously or otherwise, please contact us through

Deaf and Dumb or Sex in the Swimming Pool

Posted by Not a Notting Hill Mum

Why do people go to the gym? To exercise perhaps, to make new friends or even to find a new significant other?

Until yesterday I’d never thought about it – I would simply have said exercise. The only chance I get to swim and use my gym membership is really during my children’s swimming lessons when I do as many lengths up and down the pool as I can manage. And then I  squeeze in a couple of extra length while my kids shower off at the side of the pool. Each time I get to the end of the pool I check the kids are OK and whether or not they are ready to get out of the shower.

So yesterday I’m powering up and down (OK taking it easy with some leisurely breast stroke)  and there’s a guy standing at the end of the pool in the water doing some limbering up. And each time I talk to the kids in the shower, he says something to me which I can’t understand, because I’m deaf and he’s not English.

But I take it to be something along the lines of: “Aren’t your kids cute” or maybe: “I’ve got a son that age” and so I smile politely and kind of nod and swim back up the pool.

So the final time I stop next to him and say, “Ok kids it’s time to go, let’s get out now” and this guy is still limbering up and he says, clear as a bell:

“You know, I really, really fancy you.”

I stutter slightly and am truly lost for words.

Remembering my manners after what seems like ages I reply:

“Er, I guess I should take that as a compliment. Ummm. Thank you.”

And he says: “Are you single?”

And I say , apologetically “No, I’m married and I have two children.” And I point at the children whom he cannot have failed to notice, given that I have been talking to them on and off ever since he got in the pool.

( Please note, if you read yesterday’s post, that I point out that I am attached nice and early!)

“Oh,” he says looking really quite crestfallen,  which I cannot understand, given that he is quite attractive and unbelievably fit  (I know this as he is only wearing a pair of swimming trunks) – and I am almost certainly older than him – and  a lot less fit than almost every other woman who uses the gym – because I don’t actually use it.

So I try to cheer him up.

No, I do not give him my phone number – lesson learned and I should point out that ” boyfriend” and rival of shoe-shop boy became “husband” many years later!

But I tell swimming boy that I have lots of single friends – and smile in an optimistic, give-me-my-medication- now kind of way.

“No,” he says I think rather more sorrowfullly than is necessarily, “I’m only interested in you. Adding perhaps a little more realistically: “I don’t know why. I don’t know what it is.”

I can only agree. Because those of you who have met me will know that although I may look Ok in low light with makeup on, I am not the fresh faced mannequin that you see at the top of my blog. And on this occasion I am almost naked ( not in a good way) with slightly red eyes from the chlorine and deep goggle marks round them as if I was being marked up for a eye-lift. In addition, I am wearing a saggy swimsuit where the lycra has given up and the foam cups have gone off message, so by the end of a swimming session I look as if I am the victim of a junior surgeon’s first attempt at breast implants.

And yet he repeats “I just fancy you so much.”

At this I recover my senses,  say “It’s nice to have met you” and “come along children”, and climb out of the pool trying to pull my drooping swimsuit down over my thighs- until I realise I’m now exposing even more of my boobs and their foam companions.

Now I know you are thinking: he must say this to everyone he meets and sometimes it must work – and I agree – but if I’d taken him up on it he would have had to shag me! No? What was he thinking?

Or maybe someone, who knew I was feeling a little bit down, paid him.

Whatever,  once I was safely out of sight I laughed and laughed. Not at him, poor misguided man ( maybe he wears glasses when he’s not swimming and I was all a blur) but more at myself and the very rare event of me being absolutely speechless!

“Not a Notting Hill Mum” has been nominated/ longlisted for a blogging award which is all very exciting except that to become a final finalist I need votes – (and then if you get enough you are judged – I think.)

It’s a bit odd (my daughter told me asking for people to vote for you on the school council was “ against the law”) – but  apparently we are supposed to ask people.

So if you ever  have a quiet moment before the deadline of April 30th ( unlikely I know) perhaps you would be able to do this ?!

You click on the link -  which takes you to  the Britmums brilliance in blogging award list

and scroll down to the laughter list and you will see my name Not a Notting Hill Mum sheltering among many others. ( quite far down – 16 or something I think!)

Or This takes you straight to the voting page

You don’t have to vote in other categories in order to do this – but can if you want of course.

If you click on the BIB pink badge on my blog that will also take you there.

A lot of bloggers have very large clique of supporters so I have no idea how many votes I need so stay in the game – but as I blog anonymously I can only ask those in the know, so your votes will definitely make a difference!

@ 9:55 pm Posted in News 4 Comments

Five Minutes with… Sunita Shroff, PRESENTER

Sunita Shroff, presenter of this new series is in the NETWORK section of Media Parents. 

April 16, 2012 @ 8:58 am Posted in News Comments Off

BBC Academy’s TV Fast Train Event


Tickets for this year’s TV Fast Train are being made available on three separate occasions, so that everyone has the chance to get a place at the UK’s largest free freelancer training day.

The tickets will be released via EventBrite at different times and dates in the run up to the event on 16 May to accommodate people’s varying availability to go online and book.

The dates are:

10am Wednesday 25 April

9pm Wednesday 2 May

11am Saturday 5 May

Sarah Wood, executive producer of Fast Train, said:  “Last year’s Fast Train was so successful that all our tickets were gone within an hour of them being available on the EventBrite site – this left a lot of very disappointed freelancers who missed the very small window of opportunity to secure a place.

“This year I want to make sure everyone has the chance to join us at the UK’s largest free freelancer training day and festival so we are going to release tickets during the day, at night and even at the weekend.”

A host of top industry names have already been confirmed for this year’s event, where attendees will once again get the chance to sample a wide range of training and masterclasses with industry leaders.

They include Danny Cohen, BBC1 controller; Zai Bennett, BBC3 controller; Karl Warner, executive editor BBC Entertainment; Google’s Peter Barron; Andrew Jackson, commissioning editor, Channel 4; Ruth Wrigley, All3Media and Colette Foster, from Endemol’s Remarkable Television.

For more info go here :

April 4, 2012 @ 9:56 pm Posted in News Comments Off

BBC / TRC Series Producer Programme


The idea for came as a result of the BBC / TRC Media Series Producer Programme.  It’s a long story for another time, but if you’re a regional Series Producer, or would-be Series Producer, please read on, and tell your colleagues about it… If you’d like to learn more please contact Denis Mooney through the link below or on the Media Parents NETWORK, or respond to the discussion on the watercooler at


Applications are invited from experienced network television producers based in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the North of England for the 2012 Series Producer Programme (SPP), a strategic partnership between TRC media and the BBC Academy.

The SPP is a blue chip training initiative designed to hone the skills of network TV producers to the level of series producer. Over the course of 10 months, the SPP will provide a range of top flight masterclasses and specialist training in series producer skills and offer unprecedented access to commissioning editors and key decision makers within the BBC.

The programme begins on 23 May 2012 and is open to freelance, independent and BBC staff producers with a strong track record in network television. It is aimed at indigenous talent in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the North of England and those who wish to relocate to live and work in these regions.

Download details and an application form from

Closing date for receipt of applications is Thursday 15 March 2012


These guidelines for the Series Producer Programme (SPP) have been drawn up to help you decide whether this high-end talent initiative is appropriate for you.

The SPP is a strategic partnership between TRC media and the BBC Academy aimed at developing the skills of network television producers outside London to the level of series producer. It is open to talented freelance, independent or internal BBC producers with a strong track record in network television production. Applications are invited from Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the North of England.

The training scheme is comprised of 10 sessions lasting one or two days per month which take place in centres around the UK. The programme will deliver a range of high-level masterclasses which will focus on honing skills across key areas including below:

Creative ideas

  • Writing programme proposals


  • Diversity
  • Multi-platform

Pitching skills

Legal, ethical and editorial

Performance management

Access to BBC decision makers


Television producers with a track record in network programming based in the Nations and the North of England (or wishing to relocate) are eligible to apply. This covers experienced producers, producer directors or new series producers.


The scheme is intended to support and grow production for the BBC in the Nations and North. Final decisions on the scheme will be taken by TRC media and the BBC. Choosing which candidates to invest in is a challenging process and the selection panels will consider a combination of related factors including:

  • An assessment of the applicant’s potential to take this step up in their programme-making careers
  • Network credits and experience
  • The mix of candidates in terms of genre and location
  • The needs of BBC production centres as a whole – in-house and indie in accordance with the Corporation’s network supply strategy – priority will be given to talent in these areas/genres.
  • The scheme aims to attract a diverse range of participants.


Submission is by application form (see foot of this document) and your submission should cover the following areas:

  • Why do you want to participate in the SPP?
  • How do you feel your experience equips you for the programme?
  • How will your participation on the scheme support your company/department/region?

In addition, for those candidates who plan to relocate to the Nations and North we will look for evidence of a commitment to live and work in the chosen area.


If in current employment we will need a statement from your line manager supporting your participation on the programme and acknowledging the time commitment involved. If you are not in current employment a previous employer or referee should give a view on your suitability for the SPP.


The Series Producer Programme is 100% funded by BBC Academy. Reasonable travel costs for attendance at the sessions will be reimbursed. Overnight accommodation is provided by the SPP.


The programme will require the successful candidates to commit to sessions lasting on average one or two consecutive days per month for the 10 months of the scheme. In applying to the scheme, producers should be aware that attendance at each of the sessions is not discretionary and consideration should be given to how the monthly sessions will be factored into working schedules.


TRC will be responsible for the design and management of the programme working in partnership with the BBC Academy.


The deadline for applications is 12 noon on Thursday 15 March 2012. Applications will be assessed by a selection panel and a shortlist will be drawn up of candidates for interview. Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held on the following dates at the locations listed below:

  • 17 April – Salford
  • 18 April – Glasgow
  • 19 April – Belfast
  • 20 April – Cardiff

NB: Unfortunately we cannot pay travel expenses for interviews

The 2012 SPP will start on Wednesday 23rd May and the inaugural session will be held at TRC media’s Glasgow office.


We hope we have given you most of the information you need to help decide if the Series Producer Programme is right for you at this stage in your career. However Denis Mooney who leads the programme for TRC will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. Contact

TRC is an independent charity working in partnership with international and UK broadcasters, creative producers and public agencies to provide training, research and business support to the creative content industry. To find out more about our work visit


Name Address
Mobile Number Email
Occupation (i.e. Producer / Director)
Current Employer Employers Address
Nation/Region you choose to work in (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, North of England)
CV and Programme Credits

Please attach a CV that includes details of your most recent network credits including programme titles, production company, date of transmission and the network as well as the credit you received.

Experience and Suitability

Please outline why you want to take part in this training programme being specific about how your experience makes this right for you. Please also outline how you believe the programme will be of benefit to you and your future employers.

Statement of Support

Please include here a short statement in support of your application from your current employer together with their contact details or – in the case of freelancers not currently working – please do the same thing but with your most recent employer.

Send together with your CV to: TRC media, 227 West George St, Glasgow, G2 2ND or email Remember the deadline for applications is: 12 noon on Thursday 15 March 2012.

Denis Mooney, who runs the SPP for TRC Media can be contacted through the NETWORK section of

March 8, 2012 @ 7:24 pm Posted in News Comments Off

5 minutes with… Jules Seymour, PD


Jules Seymour, PD, Chris Brown, Editor, and Amy Walker, SP, are in the TALENT section of Media Parents. Matt Holden, EP, is in the NETWORK section of

I’m a very experienced Producer/Director and Series Producer. Over my career I’ve worked on numerous documentaries, factual and factual entertainment programmes. I’ve made a lot of ob-doc style programmes from “Trawlermen” to Police docu-soap style series. I’ve also worked with numerous presenters on a wide variety of factual and fact-ent style programmes. I have a lot of experience in the Edit having cut numerous hour and half hour programmes, and I’ve SP’d a returning series for ITV three times.

I am also an experienced self-shooter with numerous credits on a variety of programmes working with a variety of cameras. (Z1-DSR and others).  Being an experienced self-shooter was important for the World’s Greatest / Scariest series for Five that I recently made, and am returning to work on Series 2 of at Mentorn.

I’m married and live in Shepherds Bush with our two daughters who are five and eight, so I was keen to work at Mentorn for geographical reasons, as well as liking their output. I would obviously prefer to take on work that cuts in London, but of course for the right project I would be prepared to commute.  Cutting this series in-house at Mentorn in Hammersmith meant a short cycle or an easy walk into work for me every day, which is a rare delight in TV as you know.

Being a PD on the Series meant we all had to work co-operatively together because of the limited time and budget at our disposal.  Much time and effort was spent in preparing for the shoot in the States, in providing shooting schedules and interview questions for the stories filmed all over America.   Fellow director Jim Shreim and AP Hannah Eastwood shot four stories that made it into the final cut, and over on this side of the Atlantic I shot three stories for other episodes as well as the core stories for my programme “Near Misses”.

Fortunately Jim Shreim and Hannah Eastwood are both wonderfully talented and diligent and managed to come back from the States with what we wanted and more !!!

As this was the first series there was an element of finding exactly what worked for us and Michelle Chappell, the commissioner, as we started to put the programmes together.  The subject of “Near Misses” was tricky in the sense that it was difficult to come up with over-arching themes, when they were by their nature random events.  It became clear as we started cutting it that we were dealing with personal testimony of near death experiences, and that the randomness actually worked within our general theme. …making for a very diverse but hopefully gripping programme.  Please watch this evening on Channel 5 at 8pm.

See for great networking, talent, jobs and information. To contact anyone on the Media Parents blog please go to the NETWORK part of the Media Parents site. To join us please go to

February 2, 2012 @ 8:12 am Posted in News Leave a comment

5 minutes with… Jim Shreim, PD


Jim Shreim, Hannah Eastwood, Jamie Matson and Amy Walker are in the TALENT section of Matt Holden and Amy Walker are in the NETWORK section of

Media Parents talent worked flexibly in production across this new series for Michelle Chappell at Channel Five, made by Mentorn Media.  In order to make the overseas budget go further, Jim Shreim, PD, and Hannah Eastwood, DV Director, shot material for all four shows in the series on a single trip to the U.S.A.  We had extensive discussions with all directors on shooting style, and created a shooting style bible, in advance of shoots in order to keep consistency.  [If you want to indicate that you have worked with anyone else on the site, or could jobshare with other people on please use the collaborator button on your profile.  It's near the one that says "I've had work through Media Parents".  If you don't know anyone on Media Parents to collaborate with then please come to our events to meet people.  They are good.]

The World’s Greatest Daredevils episode, which TXes on Channel Five TONIGHT, Thursday 26th January 2012 at 8pm, contains some of the most spectacular footage I have ever seen, so if you’re at home with the children tonight, please watch.

The series was immediately recommissioned on transmission of the first episode, so as the final ep is being delivered to Five, the show has gone back into production again.  What this has made me realise is that if you get a job through Media Parents, it may well not be a single gig, but repeatable business.  Freelancers have been telling me since Media Parents started that companies who found them through us have re-employed them, and, recently, another Series Producer working independently at Mentorn told me that she was on her second job at the company through Media Parents, which is great to hear.

Media Parents has a wealth of experienced top-end talent.  We also have great APs and researchers, but not many, so many of our advertised jobs at this level go unfilled.  If you know good researchers, APs, co-ordinators and production secretaries who have 3 years’ or more TV experience, please tell them about

See for great networking, talent, jobs and information. To contact anyone on the Media Parents blog please go to the NETWORK part of the Media Parents site. To join us please go to

January 25, 2012 @ 12:40 pm Posted in News Comments Off

Five Minutes with… Zoe Fryer, PD


Zoe Fryer was one of four Media Parents PDs (and other team members) who worked on Mentorn Media’s World’s Greatest… for Five.  Zoe’s show, World’s Greatest Heroes, TXes tonight at 8pm on Channel Five.  Zoe shot the image featured below.

Zoe Fryer, PD, is in the TALENT section of

Zoe, who is a mum to Amber, 2, worked flexibly on this series initially as she was finishing another contract.  She also negotiated slipping her hours so that she could work her prep around childcare, and whilst a new series is never going to be particularly flexible, Zoe retained a degree of flexibility until the edit.

January 19, 2012 @ 10:11 am Posted in News Comments Off

Media Parents Event : How to Market Yourself with Reuben Milne


Huge thanks to Reuben Milne from Spark Creativity for running this informative and enjoyable session and to ENVY post production facility for hosting in their bar. Photos below, tips to follow shortly!

Reuben Milne of Spark Creativity addresses Media Parents in the session How to Market Yourself

See for great networking, talent, jobs and information. To contact anyone on the Media Parents blog please go the the NETWORK part of the Media Parents site. To join us please go to

@ 10:03 am Posted in Events, News 1 Comment

5 minutes with… a media parents team


New Series : Channel 5 8pm TONIGHT Thursday 12th January 2012

I used to crew up for the 4 new Channel 5 docs I’ve just series produced for Mentorn.  We had 3 months from crewing to delivery to make 4 very diverse programmes, shot all over the world.  I needed really good people – fast, and using Media Parents was the fastest, most painless crewing experience I’ve had.  I had to look at no more than 10 applicants per position and all of them were more than qualified for the job.  Because we only had the resources to send one out of the 4 PDs to the States to shoot for us over there, I knew I had to work with PDs who could shoot for each other and would be happy to do that.  In the event, in order to deliver all of the programmes on time, each of the 4 PDs shot items for each others’ programmes.  You can see the results tonight, and every Thursday for the next 4 weeks, at 8pm on Channel 5.  Here’s who was involved from Media Parents…

to be continued…

January 12, 2012 @ 8:28 am Posted in News Comments Off