As we came out of a quiet February, which included me promising to finish all those jolly DIY jobs I’d been so looking forward to doing (!) a different major concern hit, writes Peter Chipping. So major it shut down all the DIY and builders’ merchant stores, leaving the promise of me completing those DIY jobs to later.

As a father my immediate concern was the safety of my grown-up children, one of whom had just started working at a care home and caught “something” there. Without testing being offered we couldn’t confirm the exact nature – but insisted on self-isolating her anyway. Meanwhile, the missus and I volunteered with the GoodSam / NHS volunteers app. (June update: Both children are well and the care home worker beavering away. COVID testing was undertaken 2 months later, but nothing on anti-bodies – so we can’t be sure what happened.)

Peter Chipping remote working on a script
While waiting for the app to ring, I went back to the drawing board. Literally, and started writing. It felt good to be doing “something” TV related. It felt like work too.
One such job I’d always promised myself to do was to rewrite a medical thriller movie.
Easy-peasy, right? All I ever needed was the time – but it kept getting put off. It sat in a bottom drawer knocking on the handle wanting to be let out. The time was right and off I went. Slowly. Very slowly. How do these established writers write a movie in two weeks? Sometime later, 101 pages finally rolled out of Final Draft and has now winged its way to my script editor.
Then to a different genre. This time working in two teams, interconnected with some zoom-connected producers. The first project was fleshing out an idea for a presenter led biography / travelogue. We had the presenter in the form of a well loved actor and hewed an angle for him. We had even shot a sizzle pre lockdown – so I just needed to edit it down.
This followed with a specialist factual entertainment idea that could be shot under the emerging post COVID guidelines. We found some experts and zoom-interviewed them. Creating glossy e-brochures followed, along with budgets and have presented to broadcasters. Of course these ideas are super-ground breaking, returnable and, of course, cost efficient!
Leading with a valuable Media Parents online CV event, I’ve also enjoyed a plethora of online zoom master classes, training courses and commissioner meetings. However, the pandemic suddenly took to a turn for the worse and my world imploded: The DIY shops re-opened and the paint brushes returned. Sigh.

Tasks completed, all I need is a commission for one of the three above please. Or the promised and evaporated TV contract coming back into play. That, and of course a barber. Then I’ll be able to remove the hat.
Peter Chipping mainly directs scripted television, read his previous blog here.
The drama he wrote and directed for Nazi Megastructures has just aired on C4, catch it here.

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