Media Parents

TXing Tonight : Inside Broadmoor, Monday 30th September, 9pm, Channel 5

Made by Wildfire Television, Inside Broadmoor is a two-parter. This important and absorbing documentary charting the history of Broadmoor Hospital has brought together two Media Parents – Tracy Garrett as Production Manager and Karen Hobbs for the Costume in the reconstructions, writes Karen Hobbs.
150 Years of Insanity, Part One  - Ripper and Co. 1863 – 1952  TXes on Channel 5 at 9pm on Monday 30th September. Part two – Patients or Prisoners? 1953 – 2013 can be seen on Monday 7th October 2013, 9pm, Channel 5.

The next Media Parents event is our CV Surgery on October 1st. For networking, jobs and great events please join

September 29, 2013 @ 5:32 pm Posted in News Comments Off

5 minutes with… Amy Swan at Shift 4, sponsors of Media Parents CV Surgery


Shift 4 has sponsored Media Parents CV Surgery on October 1st. Here Amy Swan, who heads up Shift 4’s Marketing and New Business, explains why…

The Shift 4 Team: From L to R, Alex Trezies (MD), Amy Swan (Marketing and Business Development), Alex Thompson (MD)

Your CV is your first chance to make a good impression on a potential employer. It should speak loudly of your skills, experience and value and all in a few seconds because, in the fast moving world of production, that’s probably all the time a CV will get. Making your CV the best it possibly could be will make all the difference in getting you the work you want.

That’s why Shift 4 are really pleased to be sponsoring Media Parents’ CV Surgery event, to help freelancers give their CVs style as well as substance and to connect them with production companies for advice, guidance and networking. The event will be attended by employers from Channel 4, Dragonfly Film & TV, Endemol, September Films, October Films and DCD Media. Earlier this year Shift 4 underwent a total makeover, with all new branding including a new logo and a new website. The process of creating and rolling this out has proved to us how important it is to stand out in an ever competitive market. Presenting yourself well, whether you’re a company or an individual, is key to your success. Shift 4 are now reaping the benefits.

Shift 4 has been supplying and supporting broadcast production for over 20 years, pulling out every stop to help clients get the job done. As you’d expect, our range of camera, sound, lighting and grip equipment is extensive and we pride ourselves on its quality and maintenance. But what sets us apart is the way we work alongside our clients as one of the production team. Providing advice, demos, training and 24/7 back-up in addition to kit supply and crewing, our slick but friendly and flexible ‘extra mile’ approach makes our service priceless.

Amy Swan with her daughters Frances and Ruby.

Amy Swan worked as a freelance Series Producer and, after having two children 18 months apart, switched to facilities hire, joining Shift 4 in October 2012.

To reserve a place at the Media Parents CV Surgery on October 1st you must be a subscriber to Media Parents. Details of the event are on the watercooler at

The next Media Parents event is our CV Surgery on October 1st. For networking, jobs and great events please join

September 16, 2013 @ 10:17 pm Posted in News Comments Off

5 minutes with… Harriet Wallace, on the Media Parents Back to Work Scheme


On the plane to Edinburgh all I could think was the same thought over and over again, writes Harriet Wallace, two whole days without children, two whole days without children, TWO WHOLE DAYS WITHOUT CHILDREN! I know this really wouldn’t be a big deal to many people, but to me (someone who hasn’t spent one night away from their children in the last 5 and a half years), this was a very big deal. Two days of uninterrupted adult conversation, two days of clean, snot-free clothes and most excitingly two whole nights of sleep.

Harriet Wallace with her two boys. Harriet is in the TALENT section of Media Parnents.

Now, I don’t want you to start thinking that I just applied for the Media Parents back to work scheme to get away from my children – although as the school holidays draw to an exhausting end, this seems a pretty valid reason to me. I applied because there was what can only be described as, a creative ‘hole’ in me. Emotionally I am fulfilled, financially we just about scrape through but creatively, there is definitely something lacking. I miss the buzz, the banter and most of all the funny, intelligent people who make the weird and wonderful world of telly go round. By the time I had left the Edinburgh TV Festival, I felt like that hole could be filled (Oh god not sure this analogy is working now!), and my excitement for returning to the land of telly had been well and truly ignited.

I would love to say that I arrived in Edinburgh bristling with confidence and raring to go. The reality is, I was terrified. It was like my first day at school, times a thousand.  What do I wear? Where do I go? Will I recognise anyone? And if I do, will they recognise me? I have been out of TV for ten years, and all of a sudden ten years felt like a very, very long time. Luckily for me, I had three other women to walk through the school gates with, feeling exactly the same emotions – Sidra, Ali and Kirsty. This is one of the real benefits of Media Parents – the support, the network, and the solidarity you get from it – you’re in it together. These three women, who I can genuinely say will be friends for life, were three of the funniest, most creative people I have ever met.  With a TV credit list between them that would make any programme controller salivate: Faking It; Location, Location, Location and The Comedy Lab, to name but a few – they had no reason to feel nervous, but they did. We all did. The Festival started, we all held our breath and jumped in.

Harriet Wallace, Ali McBride, Kirsty Smith and Sidra Khan, media parents delegates waiting for Kevin Spacey's MacTaggart Speech at GEITF.

The Meet the Controller sessions gave me an insight into the personality and tastes of the people in charge of the major channels. From Janice Hadlow’s controlled, erudite eloquence ‘It’s not all about the ratings… I’m looking for original, distinctive, surprising shows…I want strong flavours, even if they’re divisive’ to Ben Frow’s refreshing, if not occasionally brutal, attitude ‘We’re not a niche channel. Ratings do count for us. Money does count for us… For me, the title is everything.’ One of the most inspirational sessions I attended was the ‘The Ones to Watch – Live Pitch’ where seven incredibly brave young people had just 1 minute 30 to pitch their short film to C4’s Random Acts commissioner Tabitha Jackson. I also enjoyed the ‘Online and Social Media’ session, which brought me up to speed on the latest multi-media developments and the various platforms that television is now working across.

And it wasn’t just information I got from the festival I also got a huge amount of laughs. ‘The worst TV I Have Ever Made and All It Taught Me’ was just brilliant and had me literally crying with laughter. Highlights included: ‘Beat The Crusher with Freddie Star’ and ‘There’s something about Miriam’ (“Unbeknownst to you, you’ve just dry humped a man, how do you feel?”). And to finish it all off Dara O’Briain’s hilarious compering of the Television Awards was the perfect antidote to maybe just one too many TVisms (Marmite anyone?).  All in all, it was a memorable few days. Oh, and you know what, lots of people did recognise me and by the end, whilst I still felt a little bit awkward and a little bit, well, ‘mumsy’ I did feel like I could do this telly thing again.

Easing herself back into the workplace with a glass of wine, Harriet Wallace talks to RDF's Angela Oakhill at the Media Parents networking in Bristol. Harriet is a producer who has not worked in TV for 10 years since pursuing other projects and having two children.

From all that I saw during the two days, one thing became very clear to me.  Over the last ten years, nothing has really changed. When it comes to making good TV, It’s still all about the story. The audience may have changed how and when they want to watch that story, but as for the content, they still want the same things: to be moved, surprised, challenged, excited, informed and above all entertained.

On the plane back from Edinburgh I didn’t have just one thought in my head, I had a hundred. New TV ideas bounced around with thoughts of YouTube and Netflix all to the throbbing beat of my hangover (so much for the deep peaceful sleep!). But the overriding thought, the one that kept pushing itself to the surface above all the others – I cant wait to see my children and tell them all about the Festival. Were they interested? Of course they weren’t. All they wanted to know was had I got any free stuff, and did that include any chocolate? Luckily I had, and it did.

The next Media Parents event is our Great CV Tear Up on October 1st. For networking, jobs and great events please see

September 6, 2013 @ 11:43 pm Posted in News 6 Comments

TXing tonight: Gibraltar My Rock by Ana Garcia, 10pm BBC4


You might remember reading Media Parents Talent Ana Garcia’s blog about selling her worldly goods to fund her film… Ana wrote “Gibraltar has been sold to broadcasters in Finland, Australia and Spain and when I finally get Richard Klein to watch it … I live in hope.” Ana’s belief paid off, watch it he did,  and Ana’s film TXes tonight on BBC4 at 10pm.

In January this year I wrote a little piece about an independent feature documentary that I made, Gibraltar, writes Ana Garcia. It was a real labour of love, took me almost 3 years to make on next to nothing and was near impossible to get distributed and / or seen. It was a steep learning curve. After a couple of years of much head banging on an array of brick walls and wondering what I had spent all that time and hard work on, I’m thrilled to say a cut down broadcast version of the film, Gibraltar: My Rock, will be broadcast this coming Wed 4th Sep on BBC4 at 10pm. It’s a massive relief to see something I worked so hard at get an audience and I hope everyone will tune in!

Ana Garcia

For networking, jobs and great events please see

September 4, 2013 @ 12:14 am Posted in News 3 Comments

5 Minutes with… Radica Anikpe on a National Film and Television First Aid course


Radica Anikpe writes about the National Film & TV Short Course in First Aid.

I spent a Friday in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. What I was I doing in the Home Counties? The eagle-eyed among you will have already made the connection between Beaconsfield and the National Film and Television School. I won a Media Parents sponsored place on the First Aid for Film and Television.

Radica Anikpe on the National Film & Television School short first aid course.

Call me peculiar, but I’ve long had a yen to do a first aid course, so winning the place made this job-seeker super happy. Essentially, myself and five other meeja lovelies, as well as our cool-as-expletive-deleted trainer, Vicki Clare, spent the day discussing the various ways that people on film and television sets get themselves into bother, and what the appropriate first aid response is. It would not be unwise to suppose that fear of the budget can be the reason accidents happen. And we have all, I think, had that fear, especially in this 21st century era of the disappearing budget line(s).

So. Just in case you miss it, the moral of this part of the story is: if you are doing something, and you think, “Ooh, I’ll just”. Just don’t. “I’ll just pick up this load of wire cable without any safety gloves”. Result? Sliced fingers. Two re-attached, one didn’t. “I’ll just quickly dig this trench in my flip-flops”. Result? Two prongs of a gardening fork embedded in a foot. “I’ll just cut through this live cable in my non- rubber soled trainers, with only my mate and a wooden broom for company”. Result? A below-the-knee amputation and lives forever changed.

Radica assuming the recovery position at the NTSC First Aid Course.

We also talked about the particular horror of watching an accident or incident unfold. Stick your hand up if you were watching the football when Fabrice Muamba hit the deck? Thousands of people willing, wishing and hoping that whatever it was that felled the fit, young footballer, could be quickly cured. I remember watching an interview with cardiologist, Andrew Deaner, who sprinted on to the pitch to assist, after watching CPR being given and discussing with his brother. If an actual, eminent doctor needs permission, it is hardly surprising that it feels like an impossible task for most of the rest of us.

It’s interesting, isn’t it, the psychology of crowds? Haven’t we all watched at the scene of an accident, open-mouthed with horror, willing someone competent along? “Well”, says Vicki – with an illusion-shattering smile on her face – “Something is better than nothing. Imagine if your actions enabled someone’s loved ones the opportunity of getting to hospital, in order to say goodbye. That has to be worth whatever personal price paid, hasn’t it?”

The upshot of my day in the shires is this. If you were to have a stroke, or if you were to choke in front of me (and you gave me permission – I am serious. If you ask a choking victim if you can help them, and they say no, you can’t touch them because you are actually asking for permission to assault them. Happily, once they are unconscious, implied consent kicks in and you may save their life.) I would have an idea of what to do. That’s better than calling for an ambulance with fingers crossed.

And in the unhappy event of you having a heart attack in front of me, I can now use a defibrillator. I am indecently excited about this fact, but I am a swot by nature, the accumulation of information is the reason that I get outta bed of a morning. Obviously, we’d both rather that didn’t happen. But if it does, I got your back. And if you find yourself on a shoot, beyond tired and inching toward the finish line and think, “Oh, I’ll just”. Just don’t. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What is my life worth? Is it worth the risk?” Is it?

Radica Anikpe is currently looking for research or writing work as she is returning to TV after caring leave. She is also looking for sponsorship for a course so please make contact with her here :

TOP HEALTH & SAFETY TIP: Whether or not you are first aid trained, if you need to help someone with a defibrillator, there will always be a defibrillator and trained first aider in your nearest tube station.

For networking, jobs and great events please see

For more information on Short Courses at NFTS :

August 27, 2013 @ 10:35 pm Posted in News Comments Off

Media Parents Back to Work at the Edinburgh Festival


Love this photo of Harriet Wallace, Ali McBride, Kirsty Smith and Sidra Khan, media parents delegates at the Edinburgh TV festival!

Looks like they’re having a ball – big thanks to GEITF and the BBC, Channel4, ITV and Endemol for sponsoring the Media Parents back to work scheme. You can follow them at @wallace_harriet @SidraKay @AliMcB @eehbahmum @mediaparents to hear what’s going on at the TV Festival.

For networking, jobs and great events please see

Media Parents flyer

August 22, 2013 @ 9:43 pm Posted in News Comments Off

5 minutes with… betty CEO Liz Warner on making the most of Edinburgh TV Festival


Edinburgh TV Festival aficionado Liz Warner shares her thoughts on GEITF (Guardian Edinburgh International TV Festival) for anyone attending the festival for the first time, and those taking part in the Media Parents Back to Work Scheme. Four Media Parents delegates who have been out of the TV workplace on maternity leave are attending the Edinburgh TV festival from Thursday thanks to sponsorship from ITV, Channel 4, Endemol and the BBC.

Liz Warner, betty. Pic by Mark Johnson

Liz Warner’s Top Tips for making the most of GEITF:

1. Before you go: work out who you know that’s going and make appointments with them. Network at your own level.
2.     Go to the sessions to pick up on the trends and know what’s going on in TV.
3.    Do not pitch, but use it as an opportunity to understand the personalities of the commissioners.
4.    Check the delegate list and arrange to see people from other companies where you’ve worked.
5.    Don’t feel you have to have a target list – go, listen, enjoy.

Edinburgh is “one big ideas soup” and the perfect way to pick up on emerging TV trends, says betty’s Liz Warner.

“From an indie or development point of view it’s picking up on trends. It’s one big ideas soup – formats are over, documentary’s gone up the agenda, just hearing it in the coffee time chat you really start to realise it’s true,” she explains. “It’s the shifting sands of TV – three years ago format was in, now format’s out… If you’re coming back from maternity you could have gone on maternity when formats were at their real high and presenters were it, and now it’s much more documentary-led, it’s about hiding the format – if there is a format you bury it underneath, and that’s changed in the last year and a half quite dramatically, particularly at certain channels. Picking up all those things are really useful, then that gives you the media intelligence for when you’re interviewing, pitching, talking and coming back in – it just gives you the knowledge – it’s just like being a taxi driver and having the TV knowledge.”

Liz describes a “terrifying” Edinburgh session when she was commissioner for the first ever Big Brother and was on a panel talking about reality TV and what it does to people. The former Channel 4 commissioner was on a panel with Lorraine Heggessey and Oliver James: “It was terrifying because it was one of those panels which was a slight roasting. All the press were there. And rather marvellously they had arranged for some of the ex BB housemates to be in the audience. I was so glad when it was over. I can’t tell you how it went – I just know I survived, so it couldn’t have been that bad because I still had a job the next day.”

This year at Edinburgh betty will be represented by executive producers Vicky Hamburger and Sarah Spencer who are taking part in The Undateables masterclass alongside Liam Humphreys, Channel 4’s Head of Factual Entertainment.

The Undateables, Channel 4.

The hit Channel 4 dating show for people with disabilities has pulled in more than 4 million viewers and is currently in production for a third series. It is described by Liz as “one of the most difficult programmes we’ve made.”

Liz, a mum of three, is sitting on the judging panel for the Channel of the year and has contributed to a session on her greatest TV failure and the lessons she learnt from that. She describes the festival as: “A bit of free brainspace – a thinking space that you don’t have very often when you’re on the treadmill of TV production. All the commissioners and all the controllers are there – so it’s the TV microcosm. The best thing you can get out of it is the current temperature of telly. After the MacTaggart Lecture there’s a big drinks party. It’s daunting but it’s quite exciting – everyone’s there in one giant room. Enjoy that party, and if you see someone familiar say hi – people are open in that sort of environment to chat because it’s a big party – if they’re sitting reading the paper in the lobby of their hotel, leave them to it.”

“I think I was quite nervous the first time I went. I was probably quite excited as well because it’s a relatively short list of people who go. I was working at BBC Manchester running the development team at the time. For me it was more about going to sessions to learn about trends and changes. I had no idea what to expect, I didn’t know what form it took, I didn’t know the geography of it. I’ve learnt over time how to enjoy it.”

“When I went to Edinburgh in development it was to get the landscape of TV, and if you are from an indie there’s a great opportunity to understand the personality of commissioners. You’re never pitching into the ether – you’re pitching to a person. You’re pitching to a personality and their taste. If they hate dogs, they’re going to hate dog ideas… Try to get a take on their personality and see a bit more of them outside the office.Seek out the commissioners and broadcasters that you know indies you work with or you want to target. Watch from a distance, gauge the commissioner’s personality and email them afterwards to try to connect.”

“It’s also a great opportunity to sit in a dark room – it’s a break from the treadmill of production – in our day to day lives in TV your ‘to do’ list is massive, so it’s a really good chance to talk ideas, and hear other people’s ideas because by talking and hearing about other people’s ideas it prompts you to have new ideas of your own. It’s a thinking space that you don’t have very often. It can sometimes make you reflect on what you’re doing and challenge what you’re doing. I find quite often when I go to any of those events that when people say what they didn’t like or what’s not worked you start to think in a different way – it is a bit of free brainspace isn’t it?”

She suggests delegates have a plan in advance of which sessions to go to that are relevant to their work, and a schedule of contacts to meet. “Don’t just turn up and go with the flow. I wouldn’t just turn up and think ‘I’ll just drift from session to session’ because everyone else seems to have mapped out their social life. People have all got appointments, and if you haven’t arranged anything in advance it can be a no man’s land. Even though you’re surrounded by the TV village, everyone else seems to have an agenda or an itinerary or a timetable.”

“Make appointments with your friends. Don’t try to network, let that happen. Commissioners almost always don’t want to be bothered, they definitely don’t want to be pitched to, so one of my absolute rules is do not pitch in a social situation. Never go to a bar with that in mind – commissioners at Edinburgh almost always have their eyes permanently averted or to the ground to try to avoid that. It’s away from the office, and you pitch in an organised pitching session. There’s a protocol and this is not the pitching place.”

“For the Media Parents delegates it’s more about meeting other indies. Indies mix with indies much more freely there. It’s a fantastic opportunity to find out what’s happening in TV, meet up with old friends and make new contacts. Don’t feel you have to have a target list – go, listen, enjoy. It can’t and won’t be a failure – all it can be is a fantastic immersion and a re-introduction.”

One final tip – “Check the weather forecast – it’s usually much colder than you think – you leave London thinking it’s summer, you arrive in Edinburgh – autumn wardrobe – it’s cold and it rains. So layer. And also you’re running from place to place, so don’t wear high shoes. It’s a really lovely city to walk.”

With many thanks to Liz Warner.

meet the media parents GEITF delegates :

Kirsty Smith :

Kirsty Smith is a development producer living in Leeds, looking to return to work in September after a three year break – “hoping to prove you can have babies, leave London and still work in TV”. She is being sponsored by ITV.

Sidra Khan :

Sidra Khan is a PD living in London. She has not worked since Feb 2011 as she had two children born within 18 months of each other. She is being sponsored by Channel 4.

Ali McBride:

Ali McBride is a senior producer in factual  / factual entertainment based in Cheshire. She has taken a year’s maternity leave, and has done 4 weeks work in Leeds during that time. Ali is being sponsored by Endemol.

Harriet Wallace :

Harriet Wallace was a series producer before leaving TV ten years ago to pursue other projects and have two children. Based in Bath, Harriet is hoping to return to TV as a development producer in late 2013. She is being sponsored by the BBC.

August 20, 2013 @ 9:19 pm Posted in News Leave a comment

media parents back to work scheme winners


Congratulations to the four Media Parents who are going to the Edinburgh TV Festival thanks to GEITF, ITV, Endemol, Channel 4 and the BBC! With more than 10 applicants per place, decisions were very difficult for the sponsors to make – great to know there is so much brilliant experienced talent out there though!

Harriet Wallace talks to RDF's Angela Oakhill at the Media Parents networking in Bristol. Harriet is a producer who has not worked in TV for 10 years since pursuing other projects and having two children.

Meet the people who will be representing Media Parents at this year’s Edinburgh TV Festival, if you are going please do make contact with them:

Ali McBride is a senior producer in factual / factual entertainment based in Cheshire. She has taken a year’s maternity leave, and has done 4 weeks work in Leeds during that time. Ali is being sponsored by Endemol.

Kirsty Smith is a development producer living in Leeds, looking to return to work in September after a three year break – “hoping to prove you can have babies, leave London and still work in TV”. She is being sponsored by ITV.

Sidra Khan is a PD living in London. She has not worked since Feb 2011 as she had two children born within 18 months of each other. She is being sponsored by Channel 4.

Harriet Wallace was a series producer before leaving TV ten years ago to pursue other projects and have two children. Based in Bath, Harriet is hoping to return to TV as a development producer in late 2013. She is being sponsored by the BBC.

Media Parents is delighted to be partnering with GEITF, Channel4, BBC, ITV and Endemol for this Media Parents Back to Work scheme. The four TV Festival attendees are also offered free mentoring and coaching by the sponsoring organisations. If you would like to know more about Media Parents please see and read this recent Guardian article:

For networking, jobs and great events please see

August 10, 2013 @ 4:27 pm Posted in News Leave a comment

Media Parents launches new “back to work” scheme


Media Parents’ Back to Work via Edinburgh TV Festival Scheme

Media Parents' new scheme will help springboard parents and carers back into the TV workplace. For networking, jobs and great events please see

Media Parents will partner with GEITF, Channel 4, Endemol, ITV and the BBC to support parents getting back into TV – please apply!

Media Parents (a social enterprise set up to promote flexible working and help working parents balance the demands of media and childcare) is launching a new scheme to get parents and carers back in to the TV industry following a career break.

Four successful media parents / carers will be awarded sponsored places at this year’s Guardian Edinburgh International TV Festival (GEITF) in August. The places will be sponsored by Endemol, ITV, the BBC, and Channel4 and the successful candidates will be awarded a delegate pass, plus accommodation in Edinburgh, with bespoke mentoring sessions from the sponsors and Media Parents. The scheme is designed to reinvigorate careers and help talented individuals get back in to the workplace.

Amy Walker, founder of Media Parents, is delighted to be launching the scheme “Media Parents has always been about keeping experienced talent in television. The key objective of this scheme is that our delegates leave Edinburgh with new levels of confidence, motivation and a network of business contacts that will support their ambitions to get back into TV and keep the industry workforce diverse. Media Parents is delighted to be working with GEITF, Endemol, ITV Channel 4 and the BBC to deliver the scheme.”

Colin Campbell- Austin, People Development Manager, Channel 4 said: “At Channel 4 we pride ourselves on creating opportunities for passionate and talented people from all backgrounds and walks of life to maximise creativity. As a truly inclusive employer we are delighted to support parents returning to the TV industry.”

Miranda Wayland, Diversity and Inclusion Manager, ITV, which is also chairing the CDN this year, adds “Supporting Agile Working and diverse talent is important in our Industry, and the Media Parents ‘Back to Work’ scheme is a great way to help in attracting, retaining and progressing working parents.”

Bella Lambourne, HR Director at Endemol comments that “Endemol is delighted to support this scheme. Great talent is hard to come by and anything we can do to encourage good people to stay in the business is to be welcomed.”

Louise Benson, TV Festival Director said: “The Festival provides an intensive learning and networking experience for all delegates so we are delighted to offer this opportunity to time-pressured parents and carers.  I hope it helps provide the tools and confidence they need for a successful route back into TV”.

Media Parents was set up three years ago and works with a growing number of production companies and broadcasters sharing best practice on flexible working policies in TV production, listing flexible and standard contracts for experienced TV workers, and hosting networking events. Feedback from the production community has been hugely positive.  “Many people on Media Parents cannot be found on other jobsites,” adds Amy Walker, ”and we are delighted to be helping to retain and reintroduce experienced talent to the industry.”

Candidates will be asked to apply for a place via Media Parents and four successful candidates will be selected to take part. Amy Walker comments “It is so encouraging that we have such prestigious partners like Endemol, ITV, Channel 4 and the BBC mentoring, who have long been supporters of nurturing talent and championing the cause. The Edinburgh TV Festival is an unmissable event in the TV calendar, and attending will inspire people wanting to get back to work with a bang, and also help them to make great connections.”

Applicants are required to send a 300 word précis outlining their ambitions upon returning to TV and send CVs to by end of July 2013 to be considered.

Candidates are required to have 3 years’ experience in TV and should not have worked continuously in TV for more than 12 weeks since their career break. This doesn’t mean you need to have been out of work for 12 weeks, it means you can’t have worked continuously for 12 weeks since you have returned to work.

See the Festival programme and dates here :

Applicants must subscribe to either the talent or network section of to apply for this scheme.

Applications close on July 31st 2013.

Visit to apply now. Follow Media Parents on Twitter @Mediaparents

For networking, jobs and great events please see

July 16, 2013 @ 11:34 pm Posted in News Leave a comment

Media Parents is 3!! Summer party July 17th at Prime Focus


Media Parents is three!! And we’re delighted to be celebrating on the roof of Prime Focus thanks to Sara Hill’s generous hosting, and sponsorship from Take1 Transcription and Chipotle.

A bevvy of lovelies at last year's Media Parents Summer Party...

Here are a few companies attending the party on July 17th:

BBC / BBC Bristol
Splash Media
Barcroft Media
Prime Focus
Big Mountain Films
DCD Media
Boundless Productions
Predictable Media
Victory Television
Chocolate Films
Mentorn Media
Tigerlily Films
BTV Post
Shoot Media
Sundog Pictures
Renegade Pictures

The guestlist is now closed, but please do join for more excellent networking opportunities and amazing jobs!

Media Parents' next event is our 3rd birthday party on July 17th. Yeehah! For networking, jobs and great events please see

@ 11:10 pm Posted in News Comments Off