Congratulations to the eight people who have been awarded places on our November Media Parents Back to Work Scheme. Six of them will be attending the Televisual Factual Festival on November 13th and 14th at BAFTA, so if you are also attending please look out for us and say hello! Here come the girls…

Production Coordinator Helen Landeau talks to the BBC's Charlotte Lamb at the Media Parents Back to Work drinks.
helen landeau, production coordinator
Helen Landeau is a BBC-trained Production Coordinator with over 10 years of location filming experience in Factual, Factual Entertainment and History. Helen has recently taken the risk of leaving the corporate world to become a freelance Production Coordinator after being inspired by Back to Work Scheme winner Harriet Wallace’s story in The Guardian. Helen had been in the corporate world for just under 8 years and had used some of her TV skills in various roles across the organisation, but had always wanted to return. Within a month of joining Media Parents Helen has started her first coordinating role, she is hoping to consolidate that experience through the coaching and mentoring provided on the Media Parents Back to Work Scheme. @HLandeau

Jo Molloy, edit producer.
jo molloy, edit producer
In a previous life I used to have quite a successful career in telly – I lived in Los Angeles and worked as a producer/director and series producer mainly on high profile mainstream factual/entertainment documentary series for British companies like September Films, and Lion Television. My kids were born in the States, but it was a quiet time for British TV in Los Angeles so I did a few projects mainly consulting and development or pick up shoots. When we returned to the UK I decided to focus on being a mum. For years I didn’t work, then through a contact I starting making a couple of films for charities – pitching, directing/producing and edit producing. I also spent 4 months working on a DIY obs-doc TV series as an edit producer. It was hard balancing childcare and the long hours but I really enjoyed being in the edit, and I think I have a pretty good idea for what makes a story work. @JoMMolloy
In 2011 my husband and I decided to take a year out and bring up our children in Prague where he’s from, which quickly turned into two years. We’re back in the UK now and I can’t help that niggling feeling that I’m not reaching my full potential, I always loved working in the TV industry and have 15+ years of experience in TV….is it going to waste? And where do I begin?

Producer Director Rebecca Towers.
rebecca towers, producer director
I’m a Senior Producer Director with fifteen years experience at the BBC where I worked as a programme producer, journalist and filmmaker across multiple factual genres and formats. Whilst I specialised in politics, I also worked on documentaries, current affairs, news and history programmes. I have had the pleasure of working on some fantastic flagship programmes during my career and it has been a privilege to make films and content that have had a positive impact on people’s lives.
Shortly after becoming a mum, I left the BBC to spend time with my daughter and to explore work on a wider range of factual filming and writing projects. Since then, I have produced several short films for television, pitched and produced corporate film content and currently write a monthly interview series, ‘In the Spotlight’, highlighting female talent within the TV and film industry.
Establishing new contacts in factual programming is a key focus and the Media Parents Back to Work Scheme is a great opportunity to make new connections, get up to speed on industry news and best practice and to receive tailored advice on building an industry profile following a career break. @RTowers_TV

AP Kate Boddington with her daughter.
kate boddington, assistant producer
I made the transition from maternity leave to the world of working TV parents this time last year. Securing mentoring and attending Televisual Factual Festival would not only help me to gain confidence in my ability to juggle work and being a new mum but also give me the chance to focus on nurturing my career and building skills to progress in this highly competitive industry.
Since returning to work following maternity leave I have been able to undertake two short and one longer contract. I would be really keen to make the most of the guidance on offer. I am keen to explore a few career options including the possibility of moving back into a role within a commissioning broadcaster or what steps I should make next in factual TV Production. @kboddington

Gina Mahoney, Edit Producer.
gina mahoney, edit producer
Since having twin boys in January 2012 I’ve been back at work for two short edit producing stints one for John Torode’s Australia and the other for a reversion of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. I think this is a real achievement as when I first had my two boys I thought I may never leave the house again let alone go out to work.
I think the Media Parents back to work initiative is just what I need to help me gain the confidence to go out and sell myself in the right way. I could do with some insightful direction for my CV, help to create a good online presence, tips on the most successful ways to approach companies for work and to become skilled at how to network. I have lots of valuable television production experience in many different genres, including live, entertainment, sport, factual, children’s and most recently food. Ideally I would like to return to edit producing but not just food shows I would like to broaden my experience again with a view to working back towards producing then series producing again. @MahoneyGina

Becky Sharpe, Shooting PD.
becky sharpe, shooting PD
I am a London-based Director who has been telling stories and making films in one role or another since I was a teenager. I shoot and am happy to write scripts and voice over. I have a commitment to humanitarian projects in my personal work, doing photographic and film projects with people with disabilities and disadvantaged adults and children.
My career started after Film School at Saint Martins in a Soho Cutting Room on BBC programs and then I independently produced awardwinning short films. I went on to work for broadcast and internet, multi-screen installations, interactive drama, and high budget Corporates for clients such as PriceWaterhouse Coopers, as well as working in Europe and Africa (Sky TV/APTN). I hope to make new connections in broadcast television for full time work – with a view to working as a DV Director and as a Producer/Director. @BeckySharpie

Ali Schilling, Producer.
ali schilling, producer
I left television in 2009. I was extremely fortunate to have worked for some amazing companies on some fascinating factual and current affairs programmes. I’d travelled all over the world to weird and wonderful places and had worked with some inspirational people. Stopping to have children took me on another journey – equally amazing – but I’ve never lost my love of television and the absolute privilege I felt in making it.
I have explored new areas since having my children. I’ve worked with Save the Children’s media team, setting up press trips for print and broadcast journalists to STC’s global projects. With over a decade’s experience setting up international shoots this was an area I felt hugely confident in but it made me realise just how much I missed programme making. I now also run my own family photography business – Ali Schilling Photography – part time.
I am right at the start of re-launching myself back into the television world. As a parent, I had already identified that a logical first step would be to find work as an Edit Producer as the hours are more regular. I have edited films I’ve produced and know I have the necessary storytelling skills to craft good programmes. Many of my old contacts have now moved on and so I have been feeling quite daunted about making that first step. Recently someone told me about the Media Parents Back to Work Scheme. It sounds like an incredible opportunity and would not only give me the guidance that I feel I’m lacking but also the confidence I would need as I feel my way back into the industry again.

Lucy Dywer Comedy Producer / AP.
lucy dwyer, comedy producer / AP
I got my first non-scripted comedy producer job in 2012 after a 2 year career break in which I gave birth to and looked after my daughter. Prior to this I was an AP within comedy / entertainment for a number of years. I love comedy and would like to focus on working in scripted comedy. I want to be part of a production company / organisation that will help me nurture my current writing, editing and producing skills. Ultimately I want to work as a script editor / writer as I feel that this plays to my strengths and will also hopefully enable me to work more flexibly than producing in either a studio or an edit. @skiddlyboooo
If you would like to join us at the Televisual Factual Festival please see below.
The Televisual Factual Festival. Exclusive Media Parents discount
13-14th November 2014, BAFTA
The Televisual Factual Festival is the leading forum for business information and debate for factual television filmmakers, business executives and project leaders. With over 50 speakers, 12 sessions, the Pitch for Cash competition with a £5k prize fund and two Meet the Commissioners networking lunches, the Televisual Factual Festival is a must-attend event for anyone working in factual television. Book your exclusive discounted ticket online using the code MPdisc15. APPLY TODAY

Please join for great jobs, networking and events. The Media Parents November Back to Work scheme is currently open for applicants. Please scroll down the blog for details.