Huge thanks to FremantleMedia UK for hosting Media Parents CV A&E this week. Fremantle opened their doors to eighty people for the event, which was sponsored by Alias Hire and also featured employers from Twofour, RDF Television, Nutopia and elsewhere – thanks to everyone who attended and made this such a successful event. Here Media Parents Promo Producer and Co-ordinator Zoe Brooks writes about attending her first Media Parents event. Scroll further down this blog for CV tips from attending companies.

Thanks to Emily Gale for hosting the latest Media Parents event at FremantleMedia UK and to Zoe Brooks for this piece
It was 5.30 as I arrived at 1 Stephen’s Street. Fremantle Media HQ was like walking into a vast marble futuristic film set. I strolled, wide eyed along to the front desk, where I was greeted by a charming receptionist who knew exactly why I was there, and where I was going.
“Media Parents CV A+E.”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Name Please.”
“Zoë Brooks.” She swiftly crossed my name off her list with her brand new pink highlighter and ushered me to the glass entrance gates, where by now the alarm was now going off through a bit of forced gate action by a Media Parent without security ID!

Boundless West Head John Comerford meets a Media Parents exec
Yes I was here for the Media Parents CV Surgery hosted by Fremantle Media’s Head of Talent Emily Gale and her colleagues John Comerford, Head of Boundless West, Esther Johnson, Boundless’s Head of Production, and Katharine Rosser, talent assistant.

Twofour's talent managers Leeanne Vinson and Sue Kenderdine get down to business
There were eight CV stations set up including Leeanne Vinson and Sue Kenderdine from Twofour, Julia Waring from RDF, and Nutopia COO Helena Tait and her team, Simon Willgoss and Natalie Spanier.

Ian Critchley, Talent Consultant from Sony International TV and The Alias Hire guys also had stations where they gave tips and knowledge about freelance work in the TV industry. Last but most definitely not least, Amy Walker, Director of Media Parents & Arrow Media, who kept everyone moving from appointment to appointment with her 10 minute bell!

Sony's Talent Consultant Ian Critchley coaches on networking
I was going to see Leeanne Vinson, Talent Exec from TwoFour, the people who brought us the fabulous “Kitchen Impossible” with Michel Roux Jnr, my slot was 6.40, and it was only 5.45, I thought I better mingle.

RDF's Julia Waring gets straight to the point
I trotted along to Nutopia before they had a chance to settle into their chairs, and spoke to Simon Willgoss, Head of Development who was very interested in what I did. I am a Promo Producer / Production Co-ordinator and it was through chatting to Simon that I realised I could play my hand in a slightly different way and market myself to the hire companies as well as the TV companies – thanks Simon.

The Alias Hire team demo their kit
The guys from Alias Hire (Camera, Kit, Crew) were sponsoring the event. They brought along their new Drone, which is a very impressive piece of kit. I did not know that a Drone comes with a Drone Pilot. I also did not know that you could hire a Drone, a Drone Pilot, a Camera Operator & Insurance for about £600.00 a day, I would have guessed more.

Alias Hire MD Danny Dawson
But what would Leeanne make of my CV? Not much as it turned out! Total reconstruction! She was drawing arrows everywhere, the bottom bit should be at the top, the top bit at the bottom, it was good, constructive feedback. I got the message, and her card! She will be seeing this CV again, after I have given it a 21st Century makeover!
All in all a great event, well-organised with lots of knowledgeable and experienced professionals who were happy to share their experiences and suggestions to help you try and get more freelance work.

I encourage all Media Parents to go along to these events, you really can get lots out of them, and you will always be given a warm welcome.

Media Parents Director Amy Walker
Media Parents next event is Christmas Drinks, sponsored by Cornish Insurance and hosted by Molinare. For details please see watercooler and site emails. Guest list is here :
Adrian Padmore Assistant Commissioner BBC
Alan Davis PM Shiver
Alex Mattholie Researcher Arrow Media
Alice Lister HoP ClearStory
Alicia Vella Producer/Director
alison martin Series Producer
Amy Walker Series Producer / Director Media Parents
Anna Coane Producer
Anne Monnehay Editor
Anthony Coates Manager UK sales and business Cornish Insurance
Charley Bennett Casting Producer Shiver
Charlotte Armitage PD
Chiara Messineo Producer/Director
Christie Thackray Production Coordinator Maker Studios
Claire Walker HoP Raw Cut Television
Clare Richards Producer Director Dragonfly
Clio David Producer Director Camera
Dafydd O’Connor Producer/Director
Danny Dawson MD Alias Hire
David Harris PD
Diana Hinshelwood Producer
Ed Stradling Producer/Director
Emily Gale Head of Talent Fremantle Media
Emma Houghton-Brown AP Arrow Media
Esther Johnson HoP Boundless
Euan McRae PM ClearStory
Fergus Clark DOP
Fiona Frankland PM Phil Mcintyre TV
Francesco Ficarra Assistant Producer Arrow Media
Graciela Watson Edit Producer
Grainne McPhillips Producer
Helen Williamson Series Producer
ian critchley Talent Consultant Sony
Ian Lamarra Creative Director Bookhouse TV
Isa Suarez Composer / Performer
Isobel Ricketts PM Breakthrough Media
Jasbir Saund Talent Manager Breakthrough Media
Jason Hendriksen PM Windfall Films
Jeff Bannis Director
Jim Shreim Producer / Director
John McVay Chief Executive PACT
Jon Mountague Head of Comedy SKY
Jon Nicholls Composer
Jonah Weston Executive Producer Lime Pictures
Josephine Besbrode Producer/Director
Jude Parker Series Producer
Kasia Uscinska Producer/Director
Katherine Parsons Executive producer
Katy Milner Director
Katy Savage Development Producer
Kemi Ayoola Line Producer
Kerry Jones Client Liaison Media Parents
Kim Duke Series producer
Kim Smith Assistant Producer Arrow Media
Kymberlie Andrew Broadcast Journalist
Kyra Beguiristain Producer
Laura Leigh Senior Producer Studio Lambert
Laura Vaughan Producer Arrow Media
Laura Watts PM Barcroft Productions
Lesley Scarff Series producer/edit producer
Lindy Taylor Production Executive Broadbean Media
livia russell SP/Edit Producer
Liz Bayliffe Smith Commercial Manager Dock10
Loanna Morrison Researcher/AP
louise Orton Producer/Director
Lucia Yandoli Research and Development
Lucy Dwyer Writer / Producer
Lynda Hall Camera Operator Features & Drama
Magda Gora Researcher Arrow Media
Maria French Production Executive Maverick
Matt Currington PD
Matt Norman Composer
Megan Ott Production Coordinator Barcroft Media
Megan Owens People finder / genealogist
Michael Bolsover Offline Editor
Michael Pentney Editor
Michaela Hulmanova Production Accountant Arrow Media
Michelle Heeley Exec Producer
Morgan Phillips Producer/Director
Nicki Purcell Production Executive Crackit
Nicola Waddell Executive Producer/Series Producer
Patrick McMahon Head of Development Boomerang
Patrick Steele Head of Commercial Dock10
Paul Birmingham PM Brook Lapping
Pauline Roenisch PM Arrow Media
Peter Grimsdale Exec producer
Phil Stein P/D
Pip Gould Production Co-ordinator Arrow Media
Rachael Heaton-Armstrong Producer
Rashpal Dhaliwal PM Arrow Media
Richard Hughes Camera / Director
Romesh Aluwihare Film & TV Editor
Rosemary Laryea Presenter/Producer
Sara Brailsford executive producer
Sean Grundy Writer Director
Shany Stephany AP
Shaun Wilton Company Director
silvia galeazzi tv and radio creative
Stephanie Campbell Series producer
Steve McNally Cornish Insurance
Stuart Watts Drone Operator Alias Hire
susan drummond Producer/Edit Producer
Susana Seijas Dacey Producer
Susie Worster Head of Talent Wall to Wall
Tina Lohmann HoP Bookhouse TV
Tolula Dada Development Editor
Tracy Garrett Production Manager
Trevor Showler Freelance / Creative Director
Uli Hesse Producer / Director
Weston Owens Edit Series Producer
Zoe Fryer Producer/Director

Media Parents next event is our Christmas Drinks, see for details.