FREE initiative for emerging filmmakers
Modern Tales is a FREE five-month story and professional development initiative for emerging BAME, female and disabled filmmakers.
The programme supports writers, directors and producers in the development of longform dramatic fiction (feature film, series, serials, webisodes) that reflects the unique intellect, imagination and experience of diverse emerging filmmakers and that is also market conscious, industry aware and distinctly creative. Modern Tales is passionately committed to making a significant impact on the diversity issues the Film & TV industry faces. We believe that the training scheme we have devised, which utilises an innovative 360 approach to traditional script development, offers diverse emerging filmmakers a real opportunity to develop their projects and progress themselves as filmmakers in a way that will significantly enhance their career prospects and their ability to make a discernible impact on the industry. We have consulted widely, listened to feedback and discussed the barriers our target communities face in the industry.
In order to remove any potential cost barriers to those wanting to apply, we are pleased to announce that we will now be offering bursaries covering the full cost of the fees for all successful project development teams. This means that all the selected project development teams will be able to access the full 5 month programme for free. Please download project development application guidelines from the website for further details, follow our social media feeds or feel free to contact us at
Our unique five month development programme based in London offers:
• 8 day-long training sessions in the creation and marketing of fictional material forfilm, TV and online platforms
• Online support from industry mentors and access to an online peer community• An opportunity to network with other film creatives
• Individual project development for selected teams. Those teams participating in project development will progress to a developed long-form fiction project and additional content packaged in a portfolio to present to industry. They will also get the chance to pitch their project to Development Executives.
Tickets will still be made available for all eight individual training sessions for those not applying for full project development but who still wish to attend individual course days. For More Information: Visit