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how to get back into TV directing by returner Kate Cheeseman


It’s nearly a year since I won a place on the Media Parents Back to Work Scheme with a bunch of other lovely talented returners, and what a year! writes Scripted Director Kate Cheeseman who was mentored by Channel 4. Read here about Kate’s journey to directing Call the Midwife. The scheme has helped us all back to work – Nicola Kingscote has Series Produced after a two year break, Josie Besbrode has been working flexibly as a PD, and Emma Sayce job shared prior to her current role. Emma is now “back in” after working sporadic short contracts to keep her hand in since maternity leave four years ago. This year’s Media Parents Back to Work Scheme is open for applications until tomorrow, so spread the word – it works!

Congratulations to the Back to Work Winners from 2017 for returning successfully

When I first tried to return to directing, despite hundreds of letters and applications, it was impossible. I had not worked in TV for some years. However, in the last few years people have woken up to some of the problems, and organisations like Media Parents, Raising Films and Directors UK have been spearheading change.

To help bridge my gap, last year I made my fourth short. It’s a great way of showing what you can do, of meeting people and just keeping up with technology and working practices. I linked up with a great team who were looking for a director and had a brilliant script. The schedule was tight, but we found an equally wonderful cast and crew.

Shortly after the shoot, I won a place on the Media Parents Back to Work Scheme. Showing willing despite not having professional credits for a while won me the place. I was off to Edinburgh TV festival.  It was a great boost as I felt that I’d had so many rejections it was becoming difficult to carry on! It was really encouraging for someone to actually believe in me.

Myself and the other returners all made the most of the festival, going to some great talks and meeting fantastic contacts.  Everyone who is anyone in TV goes!  I emailed lots of the people I wanted to meet before the festival and though I didn’t have a huge response, the few that I did hear from were well worth the effort.  One of those contacts recently helped me get a fantastic agent at ITG.

Media Parents Back to Work Team 2017 at Edinburgh TV Festival

Back in London my Channel Four mentor Chloe Tucker encouraged me to keep going. To some extent getting work is a numbers game.  No meeting is wasted either, even if it ends in a rejection it might lead to something further down the line. Being on the Back to Work scheme I felt I had something to tell people about rather than just asking for work. One of my meetings shortly after Edinburgh was with an executive producer I had known before my break and though she had no work at the time, she suggested I met with the producer on Call the Midwife.

In the autumn, I set about editing my short, What Happened to Evie. Post for shorts is tricky as you usually don’t have much money, so have to wait for people.  In the end I edited the film myself, which I wouldn’t normally recommend but we had such a tight script that it wasn’t too bad.  Finishing the film gave me something to show people and when I finally had the interview with Call the Midwife, I am sure this helped show I could direct actors. I also watched all the seasons of the show again. Several boxes of tissues later I met with the lovely producer and chatted about the programme. A few months later I was offered the finale of the next season. I can’t tell you how happy I felt.

Many of the contacts that I met through the Back to Work Scheme have been really helpful with advice and contacts, so, another plus for the scheme and great ongoing contacts for me. All in all, it’s been an incredible year, kicked off by getting on this fab scheme, and I hope just the start of lots of new journeys.

Congratulations Kate!

To apply for the Media Parents Back to Work Scheme 2018, click here.

Media Parents Back to Work Scheme 2018 is open for applications, see our blog for details. Join Media Parents for great jobs, training and events.

July 23, 2018 @ 8:42 am Posted in How To, News, TV Returners 1 Comment

how to Job share in Edit by Emma Sayce and Nikki Ryan


Media Parents Back to Work Scheme Winner 2017, Edit Producer Emma Sayce, made it her goal to break back in to flexible work via the scheme (which is currently open for applications, apply here.). Emma has just finished a 12-week stint job sharing as an Edit Producer on Maverick’s BAFTA winning CBBC show Operation Ouch! She and job share partner Nikki Ryan write here about their experience of job sharing in the edit.

Operation Ouch!'s job sharing Van Tulleken brothers

Six months ago, neither of us had really thought about job sharing, but having done it, we’re keen to repeat the experience. We’ve found it to be a productive and enjoyable way of working.

Job Sharing Returner Emma Sayce at Edinburgh TV Festival with her Media Parents Sponsor Endemol Shine Global HR Director Bella Lambourne

Operation Ouch! is a 12 x 28’ science/medical series for kids, presented by identical twin doctors Chris and Xand Van Tulleken. Nikki worked as an Edit Producer on the series a few years ago, and when the Head of Production, Maria French, contacted her about coming back for the 7th series Nikki (very nervously) asked for part time hours. On such a busy edit this wasn’t viable, and the idea of sharing the role came up. Maria sounded out the Series Producer and Exec, and both were happy to give it a go. Maverick advertised the position through Media Parents and found me to pair with Nikki.

Maverick had chosen us on our individual merits … but it was down to us to make the partnership work, and we had never met! After our first conversation it was clear we were on the same page – both committed to the job, and to making the process of sharing it work.

Tamara Durnford, right, Maverick TV's Talent Manager who crewed for the jobshare at Media Parents recent job share event

Nikki worked 3 days a week, Emma 2. In the main, looked after our own VTs from start to finish, but this didn’t mean we worked independently. Being across 3 edits, on a fast turnaround show, meant lots of planning and we did this together – mapping out what each edit would be cutting and when, and lining up work for each other so we could hit the ground running on our respective days. We made it our business to be across everything our job share partner was doing, so that we could answer questions about it, and the production team could treat us, essentially, as one person.

All this meant we had to be in close communication. We had detailed handover phone chats on Wednesday and Friday evenings, spoke to each other during the day whenever we needed to, and had a joint email account which we kept an eye on during our days off. We did find ourselves putting in a bit of time ‘out of hours’, but this didn’t feel onerous. We could fit it around family commitments, and we also enjoyed it! How often, as a freelancer, do you get a detailed insight into how someone else does your job, and the opportunity to compare approaches and share best working practices?

None of our editors had worked with a job share duo before but they were extremely supportive, as was everyone on the production.  We definitely felt able to work as effectively as we would have done as individuals. The job of an EP is, after all, a creative one, and it’s easier to be creative in the edit when you’re not tired, not stressed because of what may/may not be going on at home, and generally feeling happy with your work/life balance. You also get time out of the edit to come up with the odd funnier line / fresher idea / solution to something that is proving tricky. In this way, we felt we offered good value to our employer – 2 brains for the price of 1!

Channel 4's Jon Snow photobombs the Media Parents Back to Work Team at Edinburgh TV Fest 2018 - Emma Sayce far left.

One big lesson, from our experience, is that job sharing really is a team game. There’s no room for competition or egos – your partner’s success is your success. You need to pair up with someone you trust, communicate easily with and who has a similar work ethic. Interestingly, we found that you don’t need the same experience, just the same attitude!

This job share has exceeded our expectations. Through Media Parents we feel lucky to have hit upon a partnership that works, and we’re keen to test it out on different kinds of show. We’re aware, for example, that on something like a single narrative doc, we’d be collaborating on a much more creative level. We’ve spoken to other job sharers who’ve made that work!

We’d encourage anyone interested to try and get a job share going. You can post here to find a job share, or on the Media Parents watercooler. Hopefully this will become progressively easier to do, but for now it seems that if a production company knows one of you, they’re more likely to give it a shot. We hope this way of working will allow those of us who need to give time to our lives outside telly (for whatever reason), to also have long and fulfilling careers within it.

Emma is now working for Endemol Shine, her Media Parents Back to Work Scheme sponsoring company, and will be available in November. Nikki Ryan is currently on mat leave – congratulations ~Nikki!

Nikki Ryan, Edit Producer Job Share

Read more about Media Parents Back to Work Scheme here :

Media Parents Back to Work Scheme 2018 is open for applications, see our blog for details. Join Media Parents for great jobs, training and events.

July 18, 2018 @ 5:01 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles, How To, News, TV Returners Leave a comment

media parents back to work scheme under deliberation


Media Parents’ Back to Work Scheme announces its 6th year in partnership with Edinburgh International TV Festival. Thank you to every who has applied, we have heard from great returning talent. Details of winners will be posted elsewhere on this blog. We will hold drinks in September for all applicants.

Media Parents is re-launching its hugely successful sponsorship scheme to help parents and carers back into the TV industry after a career break. 100% of our sponsored applicants have been offered work after taking part in The Media Parents’ Back to Work scheme. Will you be the next?

Media Parents Back to Work Winners 2017 : Scripted Director Kate Cheeseman, SP Nicola Kingscote, PD Josie Besbrode & Edit Producer Emma Sayce

We are hugely grateful to our sponsors – and are delighted to say that Channel 4 has just come on board. Other sponsors are All3Media, ITV, MermanEndemol Shine, Warner Bros, Sister Pictures and Raw TV for supporting this scheme for talented freelancers. PD Josie Besbrode and Edit Producer Emma Sayce have both returned to flexible work this year. Josie has been working part time and Emma has been job sharing – you can read their job share post here and look out for Emma’s latest job share piece. SP Nicola Kingscote has written about Edinburgh TV Festival, and Director Kate Cheeseman has written about returning to work to direct Call the Midwife.

Media Parents Back to Work Winners at Edinburgh TV Festival 2015

Previous years’ winners include a primary carer who had been out of TV for 8 years and has gone from directing EastEnders to now directing Emmerdale, other returners have secured commissions, and another successfully used the scheme to return to work in remission from cancer. 

Media Parents Back to Work Winners 2015 at GEITF

We offer companies the opportunity to sponsor one of our applicants to give them the boost of confidence and contacts that will help highly skilled TV workers back into the industry. Through the scheme companies can increase diversity in the workplace, play a part in reinvigorating the career of talented individuals – and in the process garner great PR as a company – we have a track record of gaining national media coverage in The Guardian and on BBC Radio 4.

Successful applicants will be awarded sponsored places at this year’s Edinburgh International TV Festival EITF in August – applicants must be available in Edinburgh from 22 – 24th August. Our winners will be awarded a delegate pass plus travel to, and accommodation in, Edinburgh with bespoke mentoring sessions from the sponsors. Historically places have been sponsored by Endemol Shine, Channel 4, BBC, CDN, Sky, ITV, Warner Bros, BBC Wales, All3Media, Raise the Roof Productions and Endemol Shine.

Read more about the 2016 Media Parents Back to Work Scheme winners at

We work with mentees in advance t0 workshop CVs, and the onus is on mentees to formulate a back to work plan with Media Parents which they discuss with their mentor. Previous years’ mentors include Shine MD Tanya Shaw, ITV Creative Director of Programming, Mark Robinson, Sky Head of Comedy, Jon Mountague, ex Channel 4 Deputy Director of Programmes Ralph Lee, Channel 4 Drama’s Chloe Tucker, Wall to Wall MD, Richard Thompson, Ricochet Head of Production Lisa Cox, Boomerang Director of Programmes Sam Grace, PACT Chief Executive, John McVay, Channel 4 Commissioner Michelle Chappell, BBC Commissioner Catherine Catton and Nat Geo Commissioner Carolyn Payne among a brilliant array of execs from across the board in TV. We are told the experience is highly rewarding on both sides.

6 Media Parents Back to Work Scheme winners attended the Guardian Edinburgh International TV Festival in 2014, seen here with Media Parents Director Amy Walker.

Applicants for the scheme are required to complete and submit an application form (click here to download : Media Parents Back to Work Scheme Form 2018), plus a CV and 300 word précis outlining their ambitions upon returning to TV to by July 29th at 6pm. Candidates must have at least 3 years’ experience in TV and should not have worked in TV for more than 12 consecutive weeks since their career break. Applications are now open.

Ali McBride, Harriet Wallace, Kirsty Smith and Sidra Khan, media parents delegates waiting for Kevin Spacey's MacTaggart Speech at GEITF 2013.

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July 4, 2018 @ 7:00 pm Posted in News, TV Returners, TV Training 6 Comments

Hastings C4 Hub bid and Posh Club sponsorship


If you are a TV type living in or able to work out of Hastings then hopefully you have heard the news that Hastings Borough Council is submitting a bid to be a smaller Channel 4 hub. If you would like us to pass on your details please send us an email via contact button detailing your job type ASAP. Meanwhile more news from Hastings… Media Parents is sponsoring The Posh Club.

Over 60s and volunteers living it up at The Posh Club, currently being sponsored in Hastings by Media Parents.

The Posh Club is a weekly glamorous performance and social club for older people held in five locations across London and the South East including Hackney, Elephant & Castle, Crawley, Brighton and Hastings. Each three-hour event is styled as a tongue-in-cheek ‘posh’ 1940’s afternoon tea with three live show business turns, volunteer waiters in black tie, vintage crockery and an in-house pianist.

It is a glamorous event, held in the heart of the community in elegantly transformed church halls and other grass roots spaces and emphasises dressing up, regular access to live performance, social connectivity and intergenerational volunteering.

The Posh Club launched in Hastings in late March and has been a huge hit, with each show playing to capacity crowds of 120 older people a week. Guests have been treated to sword swallowers, string quartets, cabaret, singers, hola hoopers and Elvis impersonators. The whole of the ten week season is now booked up but The Posh Club hopes to return later in the year if funding can be secured.

You can also read a review of The Posh Club, Hastings Independent here and a new article in Vice about The Posh Club, Hackney here.

To submit your details to the Channel 4 creative hub bid please contact us.

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May 2, 2018 @ 6:08 pm Posted in News Comments Off

5 minutes with PM Helen Landeau on Stephen Lawrence


I’ve been a member of Media Parents for about 4 years since they helped me get back into TV after an 8 year break. I was a Media Parents Back to Work Scheme winner, and was mentored by Katy Brewer. I had to start again as a Production Co-ordinator but I didn’t mind, I was just happy to back in telly!

Helen Landeau's latest production is the landmark BBC series on Stephen Lawrence.

Since returning I’ve production managed for CBeebies and CBBC, a single doc on The Mersey Sound, and had the most wonderful opportunity of being the Production Manager for ‘Stephen: The Murder That Changed A Nation.’
It was hard work but ever so worth it and I’m so proud to be part of this creative team. We were often filming last minute and getting a cameraman and oh – those backdrops! Getting them to France and finding a suitable space in France to film with them – and also getting them into Downing Street was no mean feat! Finding the locations for drone filming in built up areas was a particular challenge, as was NATS paperwork. Filming protocols in Eltham meant working extensively with Greenwich Council, and filming drama recon with kids during the Beast from the East – working around snow in March – was unexpected to say the least!
The reaction even surpassed the production team’s expectations! Twitter was on meltdown and we were trending No 1 in the UK. If you haven’t had the opportunity to see all three episodes, you still can on BBC iPlayer.
Helen Landeau will be available in May.

Join Media Parents for training, events and great jobs -

April 24, 2018 @ 9:21 pm Posted in Freelancer Profiles, News, TV Returners Comments Off

Media Parents Returners Manchester


Media Parents is delighted to introduce the latest cohort of the Media Parents High End TV Drama Return to Work Programme which takes place in Manchester next week, and aims to return skilled workers to HETV drama production via training, mentoring and work placements. We are grateful to the lovely team at Dock10 (see below) for hosting this event.

zenna barry

Zenna Barry, returning production coordinator

Production Co-ordinator Zenna Barry established a successful photography business in Manchester to enable her to work around small children. Nine years later, she is back…

mike ogden

Returner Mike Ogden

Mike Ogden trained as a Camera Operator then ran his own small production company. He is returning to HETV drama as a Production Coordinator, with ambitions to be a Production Manager before long.

katriona edwards

Katriona Edwards worked at SKY before taking extended maternity leave. Crossing over from Producing factual to Production Management in drama she is re-entering the industry at Production Coordinator level. She is based in Wales and looking for work in Wales, Manchester or London.

Sign in and click to view Katriona’s profile link here.

Follow their progress here.


dock10 is the UK’s leading television facility. Based at the heart of MediaCityUK, The Studios and our specialist post production services are used to make everything from popular television shows, including the award-winning drama Happy Valley, prime-time spectacular The Voice, iconic children’s favourite Blue Peter and the sports fan’s essential Match of the Day – to outstanding VFX based commercials and corporate videos for leading brands. We are very grateful to the dock10 team for hosting the Media Parents HETV Drama Return to Work Programme for Manchester.

Dock10 bookings team

0161 886 5111

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February 23, 2018 @ 9:58 am Posted in News Comments Off

5 minutes with HETV Drama returner Joanna Crow


Joanna Crow

Joanna Crow, Thomasina Gibson and Becky Evans, Bristol Media Parents HETV Drama and Children's TV Returners

Winning a place on the Media Parents HETV Drama Return to Work Programme as a TV Drama Producer is a very exciting development for me as a mother and filmmaker. Having worked in Drama and Features for more than twenty years as a 1st AD (credits include Marcella, Ripper Street, Life On Mars, Spooks, Finding Neverland, The Descent), the last few years with two children as my primary project have challenged my desire to create original and engaging drama.

I developed an opportunity with a local company to become Head of Visual Media which included managed increasing budgets for narrative-driven events, negotiating contracts, rights and deals with Netflix, Universal, Le Fondation Cartier, Aardman and others. I also produced and directed several short-form drama and documentary pieces (with selection at International Film Festivals).

I have continued to act as a consultant scheduler on dramas in development for Mammoth Screen, Kudos Productions, the BBC Drama department and various independents.  Complementing my production skills is my strong love of story: as a distinction level NFTS Script Development graduate, I’ve also continued to work with several writers connected with in the industry and am currently in development on a feature length horror with Neil Marshall (The Descent, Game Of Thrones).

I’m now operating as a development Producer, employing my production and narrative skills in creative ways for different organisations (Sony London Studios/Soho House/Judgeday/Objective Media).  I’m looking for scripts and projects to produce in High-End TV Drama.  Dream job: producing an episode of Black Mirror.

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February 22, 2018 @ 11:33 pm Posted in News Comments Off

5 minutes with HETV Children’s Drama returner Becky Evans


Script Editor Becky Evans is the Media Parents Children’s Drama Return to Work candidate. She will soon take up a work placement with Kindle Entertainment via the Media Parents Children’s Drama Return to Work Programme funded by the Children’s Drama Levy managed by Creative Skillset.

becky evans

Script Editor Becky Evans is the Children's TV Returner funded by the High End TV Levy Fund managed by Creative Skillset

Script Editing has always been an important creative relationship for a writer, and it’s continually a privilege to play a role in making good writing even greater. I was lucky enough to be able to turn a love of story into a career that spans across three different genres. I’ve worked in the fast-paced environment of soap opera and series drama (EastEnders/Family Affairs/Holby City), been blessed with production time to be creative in pre-school animation (Thomas the Tank Engine) and enjoyed nurturing young minds in children’s drama formats (CBBC Projects – Living It & Dead Gorgeous).

Returning Script Editor Becky Evans will be placed with Kindle Entertainment via the Media Parents Children's Drama Return to Work Programme

To date I have eleven years’ experience in TV drama working in both script and story editor roles, and also have experience in drama development for future commissions. With a focus on returning to Drama Editorial and a particular interest in Children’s & Family Drama, I’m very excited to be joining Kindle Entertainment on a placement as a Development Script Editor via the Media Parents HETV Children’s Drama Return to Work Programme. Working with the award winning Kindle team will be a fantastic opportunity to revisit the world of story and generally expand my creative experience into 2018.

Join Media Parents for training, events and great jobs -

@ 1:21 pm Posted in News Comments Off

5 minutes with HETV Drama returner Thomasina Gibson


thomasina gibson

A freelance producer/director, journalist and author with 20 years’ experience in TV, film and DVD production, Thomasina Gibson has worked with national and international companies including the BBC, SKY, C4, Sony International Television, MGM International Television and the Sci Fi Channel. She is hoping to use the Media Parents HETV Drama Return to Work Programme to find work as a drama producer. She is currently being mentored by Pulse Films Executive Producer Patrick Schweitzer through the Media Parents scheme, funded by Creative Skillset.

Thomasina Gibson

“I recently wrapped my first independent film WE CAN BE HEROES – a family feature starring Alison Steadman and Phil Davis. I took the project from acquiring rights and developing the script through to completion and screening at the Edinburgh and Bath International Film Festivals winning 5* reviews and IMDb’s triple “F” rating. I independently raised the £750k budget via EIS and non-EIS investment.

My body of work includes behind-the-scenes and “Making of…” presentations featuring STARGATE SG-1, SMALLVILLE, SUPERNATURAL and SKY Movie News.  I produced and directed more than 80 short education resources (between 20’ and 45’) for the VEA Group. EUTHANASIA: A DEBATE was screened internationally to critical acclaim. Three further resources were submitted for Children’s BAFTAs.

As a freelance journalist and author I’ve published 8 books and more than 1000 articles in mainstream and genre press including Radio Times, SKY Magazine and SFX. I’m a film and entertainment consultant for Guinness World Records and have been a member of the Children’s BAFTA’s voting panel.

I’m currently participating in the Media Parents HETV Return to Work Programme and loving the entire process.  My ultimate aim is to gain employment in HETV Drama and/or Children’s television.

Join Media Parents for training, events and great jobs -

@ 12:27 pm Posted in News Comments Off

Art of Negotiation workshop Tues 28th Feb


Do you want to increase your rate? Ask for more flexibility at work? Talk money without cringing? This event on Tuesday 27th Feb 2018 is for you!

"Make friends with Production Managers, they have the intel on rates" suggests Line Producer Jude Winstanley. You got a deal! Pictured with Media Parents Director Amy Walker at Media Parents Art of Negotiation event in 2017.

Back by popular demand, Media Parents’ Amy Walker and Line Producer Jude Winstanley lead this roundtable discussion with fantastic tips for negotiating in TV.

This works : Impact of the previous event included one freelancer increasing her weekly rate by £100/ week within the same contract, doing the job at the same company… Another freelancer wrote to thank us because she had upped her rate by £150/ week on a new contract.

Join us and industry figures including Maverick Television’s Head of Production Maria French, the Head of Production from Sister Pictures and more, in celebrating International Women’s Day with this empowering session.

Media Parents members only, see watercooler for guestlist details. To join please go here :

jude winstanley

Jude is a freelance Line Producer in factual, entertainment and children’s formats and has been working in television production for 20 years. Her most recent credit was ‘Show Me What You’re Made Of’ kids series for CBBC, at Twenty Twenty Kids. She is available for Production Management contracts in Entertainment from mid March.

An event producer for RTS Futures, Jude also delivers guest lectures and workshops for universities, indies, social enterprises and industry bodies and is regularly invited to take part in a wide range of consultations on industry skills development. She is the founder of The Unit List.

See the watercooler at for guestlist details.

To join Media Parents for great jobs, training and events see

February 20, 2018 @ 1:58 pm Posted in News Comments Off