Media Parents

5 minutes with PM Michele Kimber

March 17, 2025 @ 11:22 am Posted in Freelancer Profiles, TV Returners Comments

Diary of an out of work Production Manager 2025, by Michele Kimber aged 21+

January 2025

A new year and it seems some people are back to work (except me, oh and many many other freelancers).

After many cups of tea, went to computer and looked at jobs, except there wasn’t any.  Tidied flat. Looked at bank balance, nearly went back to bed again.

The days are fine but with nighttime arriving almost as soon as I’ve got up means that my motivation failed to get out of bed with me.

Cat happy that I stay in bed until he wants feeding which appears to be a lot.  He needs to get a job to pay for his food addiction, this appears to be non negotiable and I am the food provider.

The whole of January seems to be a repeat of the above.

Did not make it to Media Parents January Drinks. Must do better at Spring Drinks, Autumn ones were good.

Media Parents January Drinks in full swing. Join us for Spring Drinks on May 1st

February 2025

More PM jobs seem to be appearing, alas I no longer want or more importantly, am capable of going for long stints on location.

Found a couple of jobs that I thought I would be a perfect fit for.  Sent off my CV within minutes of jobs being advertised, refrained from putting “pick me, pick me” in my covering letter but just had to remember the advice that is given to young keen wannabe runners, send off your CV and forget about it.

Forgot the advice and kept checking emails.

The closing date for both jobs was Friday 14th.  Monday 17th at 9:07 exactly I got a rejection from one of the jobs saying that the job had already been filled.

Started looking at alternative careers.

I saw lots of people saying that people are needed in the NHS doing admin jobs etc, went online and started my research.  Saw what they were paying.

Started looking at jobs that were paying more but soon realised that even with some clever re-wording of my CV about my first aid courses I could never convince anyone that I was a qualified Nurse or above.

Got rejected from the 2nd application.  On the plus side, at least they responded which I call a win. Cat still has a food addiction.

Tinx the Cat. Still unemployed.

March 2025

Started looking at “working from home sites” I could earn lots of dollars or even pounds if I pay up front, but decided that knowing my luck I would be rejected and paid to be rejected.

The weather was being kind so I did some gardening, slightly half heartedly, but it was nice not to be a slave to checking for jobs every hour (there seem to be lots more on Media Parents btw).

On Tuesday this week, I did my morning scroll of emails (well, on the hour, every hour) and suddenly I saw something I hadn’t seen for a long time.


Obviously I held back as best I could (15 minutes?)

By the afternoon, I’d been interviewed and got the job, it’s not a long contract, but it’s a JOB!

I started on Wednesday!!

The team are lovely, it’s going to be a graft with what needs to be done in a very short time, but am back on the bus and loving it!

Stay strong, jobs are coming in, they may not be the long contracts that people are used to, but they are coming in.

PS – cat update, he’s slightly cross his food consumption has been lessened by me not being at home pandering to his “I need food” wail,  he’s currently fast asleep on the bed. Belly fully, just not with as much as he was used to.

For those who know, Michele Kimber is in this shot somewhere. Meet her at Media Parents Spring Drinks

To contact Michele Kimber, who will be available in May, log in to Media Parents and click here.

Our next event is online on April 1st, see mailing list for more details. Scroll down the blog for more info - the jobs and social networking site for short term, part time, job share and regular hours jobs in media. For free events for subscribers, join here:


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