Media Parents

Media Parents January Drinks

January 26, 2025 @ 9:38 pm Posted in Events, How To Comments

Media Parents was delighted to hold January Drinks on Thursday 30th Jan, hosted by Film + TV Charity in their glorious Central London building. The wine sponsors for this event were – thank you!

Heads of Production from Raw Cut and Strawberry Blond, Tina Lohmann and Jess Hamilton meeting Media Parents freelancers in the crowd

What happens at Media Parents drinks? There’s no agenda! We are keen to get TV companies, freelancers and organisations in a room to catch up. If it’s your first time at an event we make an effort to meet you, and introduce you to other people who could be useful to you to know. If it’s not your first time at a Media Parents event, we are pretty confident you loved it the first time!

PD Sam Lang with Comedy Producer Anna Coane

Curve Media's Head of Production Ruth Cody and Exec Claire Simpson worked the room

Story Films Production Exec Donna Blackburn introduced the company's slate, with StoryTailors' Martin McAleese, Curve Media's Claire Simpson, EdTVFest's Dulcie Bushill and freelancers looking on

Strawberry Blond MD Steve Wynne made it back from Leeds

PM Amy Swan successfully navigated a career move from editorial into PMing global series, seen catching up here with Media Parents Line Producers Flo Crum and Katy Southwood

New contacts made and swapped between PD Kasia Uscinska and Editor Liz Convey

Film + TV Charity Community Development Manager Lucy Maxwell introduced the space, counselling and financial support that is offered, see below...

January Guest List

Donna Blackburn

Tina Lohmann

Kate Maddigan

Line Producer

Head of Production

Head of Studios

Story Films


Renowned Films

Steve Wynne MD Strawberry Blond
Jess Hamilton HOP Strawberry Blond
Claire Simpson Exec Curve Media
Hilary Platt

Olivia Evans

Zara McFadden

Ops & Finance Director

Development Producer

Talent Manager




Martin McAleese Head of Production Partnerships StoryTailors
Dulcie Bushell Programmes Producer EdTVFestival
Alon Ziv Creative Director / Exec Nola Creative / Lion TV
Ruth Cody HOP Curve Media
Amy Walker Director Media Parents
Stephanie Weit Managing Partner StoryTailors
Katherine Bovey Development Executive ITN
Katie McAfee Talent Executive Tinopolis
Lucy Maxwell Community Development Manager Film+TV Charity
Matt Holden SP Little Bird
Ros Attille Head of Children’s and Young Audiences Big Fish, Little Fish

(log in to click through on profile links)

Michele Kimber: PM

Read Michele’s latest blog

Anna Coane: SP / S Edit Producer

Read Anna’s latest blog

Anika Pilnei: EP / PD

Read Anika’s latest blog

Daren Tiley: offline editor

Read Daren’s latest blog

Flo Crum : Production Exec

Katy Southwood: Line Producer/Production Executive

Richard Hughes: Shooting PD and DOP

Tom Colvile: Shooting PD

Anthony Willis: PD / Writer / Editor

Read Anthony’s latest blog

Claire McMahon Brown: Snr Producer / Edit Producer

Jules Seymour: SP

Kasia Uscinska: PD / Edit Producer

Katie Rice: PD

Liz Convey: returning offline editor

Stephen Mizelas: Director / SP

Sam Lang: PD

Matt Currington: S/PD

Avigail Cenci di Bello: Producer / Writer

Hannah Bairsto: Researcher

Gaby Koppel: SP

Tom Ranson: Director

Quinton Smith: Editor

Barney Snow: S/PD

Janet Awe: Development/ Producer

The Film and TV Charity supports everyone working behind the scenes in film, TV, and cinema, including full-time staff, freelancers, writers, production teams, and more. It offers a 24/7 confidential support line, legal and financial guidance, Stop-Gap Grants, a Bullying Advice Service, and free counselling. The Charity is also working to change the culture of our industry,  providing resources like the Whole Picture Toolkit for mentally health productions, financial guidance and wellbeing advice, as well as promoting equity and inclusion across the industry. For more information, visit its website or call 0800 054 0000. You can also sign up for its monthly newsletter for updates on services, events, and opportunities. Every day at Storytailors is a thrilling ride—we’ve set up Keanu Reeves to race through the Slovenian countryside, transformed a Romanian salt mine into a playground for MrBeast, and ensured Ford’s latest EV glides effortlessly through Bhutan for Amazon Prime. With a network of over 1,500 vetted media professionals across 150+ countries, we deliver everything from full production to local access, film permits, crew hire, and logistics for entertainment, documentaries, and drama. Our clients include leading indies like the BBC, Plimsoll, Nutopia, and Box To Box, as well as major streamers like Netflix and Disney.

No photos of Media Parents' Amy Walker this time so here is one from Media Parents Auntumn Drinks

At Media Parents we’ll do anything we can to help TV  freelancers work, and TV companies find great freelancers. Join us! Message via our contact button for returns for this event.

Scroll down the blog for more info - the jobs and social networking site for short term, part time, job share and regular hours jobs in media. For free events for subscribers, join here:


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