Media Parents

An Introduction to Edit Producing with Jo Woolf

October 21, 2024 @ 8:49 pm Posted in News Comments

Join us for our freelancers monthly hello – 11 minutes of saying hi and swapping ideas at 11am on November 6th. Followed by…

Edit Producing is one of the more family-friendly roles in TV and one that TV Trainer and Exec, Jo Woolf, decided to move into over 15 years ago when she started her family. Having joined us for Media Parents Autumn Drinks, Jo is offering a free intro to Edit Producing.

Jo Woolf Edit Producer Training

Jo now runs Edit Producer training as well as working on productions and on Wednesday 6th November she is running a special session for Media Parents members with her top tips about Edit Producing, including a Q and A.

If you are new to edit producing, or want a refresher, then this 1 hour free session, hosted by Media Parents Director Amy Walker, is for you. Contact Media Parents for the booking link. For more info about Jo take a look at her website at

Jo Woolf, left at Media Parents Autumn Drinks - the jobs and social networking site for short term, part time, job share and regular hours jobs in media. For free events for subscribers go here:


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