Media Parents Back to Work Scheme Opens for Applications
July 15, 2016 @ 10:34 pm Posted in News CommentsWe’re delighted to announce that Media Parents will partner with broadcasters, indies and the Edinburgh International TV Festival for a fourth year running to support parents getting back into TV with our Media Parents Back to Work Scheme – so please apply! APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED
Media Parents (a social enterprise set up to promote flexible working and help working parents balance the demands of media and childcare) is running a scheme to help parents and carers back in to the TV industry following a career break.
Sponsors so far are Warner Brothers, All3 Media, Channel 4, the CDN, Endemol Shine and more will be announced shortly. Thank you to Kitty Walshe Remarkable Television MD, PACT Chief Executive John McVay, Wall to Wall MD Richard Thomson, SKY Head of Comedy Jon Mountague, BBC Wales Series Producer Samantha Rosie and BBC Wales Head of Production Talent Catrin Whitmore, Mark Robinson, Creative Director ITV Shiver and Channel 4’s Deputy Chief Creative Officer for mentoring last year’s winners.
In 2015 seven successful media parents / carers were awarded sponsored places and returned to the TV workplace – this year we’re offering the opportunity again. Will you win a place?
Successful candidates will be awarded a free delegate pass, plus travel and accommodation in Edinburgh, with bespoke mentoring sessions from the sponsors. To apply by July 31st (sooner if you can please!) send an email to us to request an application form or click the link below.
Applicants are required to send a 300 word précis outlining their experience and ambitions upon returning to TV, plus a CV including all dates of work, and completed application form obtained from the above address, submitted by July 31st. The email should be titled with the applicant’s name, job title and genre. Applicants must be available to attend the Edinburgh TV Festival from 23 – 26 August 2016. See the Festival programme and dates here :

Director Vito Rocco is now directing EastEnders having completed the Media Parents Back to Work Scheme 2015
Candidates are required to have 3 years’ experience in TV and should not have worked continuously in TV for more than 12 weeks since the career break. This doesn’t mean you need to have been out of work for 12 weeks, it means you can’t have worked continuously for 12 weeks since you have returned to work.
There is no submission charge but successful applicants must subscribe to either the talent or network section of for one year to prove their commitment to returning to the workplace. Thank you for your interest, we look forward to working with you. Download application form here : application form media parents Back to Work Scheme

APPLY BY JULY 31st Media Parents is brilliant for jobs, networking and training - join now at