blue 2.0 media parents summer party photos
July 31, 2015 @ 2:48 pm Posted in News CommentsThanks to everyone who came along last night and made the Blue 2.0 Media Parents Summer Party a roaring success! It was great to see Back to Work Sponsors Channel 4, Endemol Shine, BBC and the CDN meeting freelancers at the party. Don’t forget to share details of our Media Parents Back to Work Scheme as we still need applicants. Here are the first photos, more coming soon…

Atul Setia, Blue 2.0 Chairman & SEO with Executive Director Mark Bos and Alice Lister, Head of Production at ClearStory.

Members including Endemol Shine Exec Producer Matt Holden (pictured, find him) celebrated 5 glorious years of Media Parents on the roof terrace at Blue 2.0 in Soho.

Blue 2.0's Commercial Director Nicola Whitehead with Team BS and Objective Line Producer Allison Dore.

Rawcut MD Steve Warr brought his team along. Rawcut are looking for Edit Producers to start next week and the week after.

The boy band Blue 2.0 - with thanks to all of Blue's excellent team of runners for looking after us. More photos to come...

The Media Parents Back to Work Scheme is accepting applicants until August 1st - for details see blog post and email Please join for great jobs, networking and events.