announcing the nations & regions back to work winners
November 17, 2014 @ 7:40 pm Posted in News CommentsWe’re delighted to be partnering with the Salford Media Festival, and reintroducing two mums to TV via the Nations & Regions TV conference this week. If you are attending the festival please come to find us and say hi, if you’re not, please see our twitterfeed @mediaparents where we will be sharing knowledge from the lectures. Here they are…
anna burns, edit producer
I wish to return to work as an Edit Producer. I worked as a Producer/Director prior to having my daughter but as a single parent I am now unable to commit to working away on location. However, I enjoy the role an Edit Producer brings and my many years of shooting and cutting my own programmes means I have great experience of the edit. I also wish to gain new contacts within TV companies in the north, as I lived and worked in London for the most part of my career many of my contacts are still based there. So it would be great to meet various companies based at Media City.
shamaila khan, content producer / researcher
Since taking voluntary redundancy from the BBC (after my daughter was born) I have worked part time on two short term contracts for Rasa Productions a theatre company.
I worked for the BBC in Manchester for nearly ten years on various websites as a researcher and then assistant content producer before the relocation to Media City.
My plan for returning to work (in the media) after four years is getting back to work I enjoyed and want to be a part of again.
I also want to work in areas which my previous contracts/work commitments may have restricted me from i.e Television and Radio.
I am happy to undergo more training if necessary as I am aware I may not possess all the necessary skills for a TV role and also understand that four years away from the media can result in lots of change.
I feel that starting again is nerve wracking but also exciting as I want to devote the time I have (now that both children are at school) to work that I am passionate about but also something I feel I am good at.
I would love to work as a researcher ideally in Entertainment/Drama or Children’s TV, I enjoy these subject matters and could be an asset to but I am also willing to consider any work that gets me back into the media.
The flexibility of working when you are solely responsible for school runs and children’s welfare while working at a location that may not be close to home will be a challenge but one that I will happily accept, you never know until you give it a try!

Amy Walker, Media Parents director (pictured left), will be at the festival with Anna and Shamaila. Please stop us and say hi or tweet us @mediaparents where we will be sharing knowledge from the festival.

Please join for great jobs, networking and events. The Media Parents Back to Work scheme is currently accepting more applicants, please email for details.