FREE interactive storytelling event in Manchester APPLY by Nov 18th
November 16, 2013 @ 2:29 pm Posted in News CommentsRIDERS Interactive Storytelling event + workshop
Nov 25th 2013 in Manchester - please contact via email below if you wish to attend this event by Monday November 18th to secure a place. The event is FREE and up to £100 travel expenses per person paid. Membership is also free.

The next Media Parents event is our London Tech Catch Up on November 28th, then our Christmas Party in December. For networking, jobs and great events please join
Call for members: Final Riders event of the year, focusing on ‘Creative Reading Writing and Film in
Interactive Digital Storytelling…’
VENUE: Madlab Digital Laboratory, 36-40 Edge Street, Manchester, M4 1HN
TIME: 10 – 4.30pm
TRAVEL EXPENSES: members travel reimbursed up to the cost of £100.
10.00 – 10.30 REGISTRATION
10.30 – 11.30 CHRISTINE WILKS: Thinking outside The Textbox
In a dynamic digital medium, onscreen text is free to be expressive on multiple levels. As reader-players, we process the content of the text, the meaning of the words, and we simultaneously process text as visual material, yet this modality tends to be underexploited in many text-based playable narrative forms. This talk will explore some of the ways text might be used more expressively in the service of storytelling.
11.30 – 12.30 OLIVER CASE: The Never Ending Story
Investigating Collective Cinematics using mobile video. Here we explore story as a collective experience and ask how digital technologies might evolve cinema through participation and reflection. Drawing on concepts ranging from Greek comedy to Zen Buddhism, the lecture explores the elements of Story in everyday life and asked how we can facilitate new forms of cinematic narrative in a digitally connected society.
12.30 – 13.30 LUNCH
13.30 – 14.20 DANIEL KUDENKO: What Artificial Intelligence can do, & what it can’t
A presentation describing AI technology from a very general perspective, that may shed a light on strengths and limitations. This talk will explore the consequences of these limitations for interactive storytelling, followed by a discussion on how experts in creative writing and storytelling could help to improve AI.
14.20 – 16.20 NATHAN JONES: Stories As Dark Data – Workshop
2 hour hands-on workshop examining what an existing story can become, mutating it across mediums and running it through automations and human-digital cyborg readings – noting and playing with the interchangability of number, image, language, process, calculation, clue, puzzle and poem.
An introduction will bring in a range of ideas, from Edgar Allen Poe’s explorations of Cryptograms and Secret Writing, to the children’s-book-cum-treasure-map Masquerade, and recent work by Tim Etchells, translating Conrad’s Heart of Darkness through text, image and musical score.
After this, participants will develop a suite of tools for ‘running’ (with) a story across human-computer interface, and produce a playful collaborative publication exhibiting the results.
16.20 – 16.30 CLOSURE
More information on the speakers can be found on the members section of the website:
RIDERS is an EPSRC funded network bringing together researchers & industry professionals working in IS through regular events – see the website for more information on joining:
Please contact Vivienne at if you wish to attend this event by Monday November 18th to secure a place.

The next Media Parents event is our London Tech Catch Up on November 28th, then our Christmas Party in December. For networking, jobs and great events please join