Tech Catch Up June 13th – apply now!
June 5, 2013 @ 9:10 pm Posted in News CommentsJoin our FREE tech catch up on June 13th with Pro Motion Hire and learn about data management and 4K, this is ideal for mums coming back into the workplace or busy PMs. Email us by 5pm on June 12th to get a place.

Promotion Hire's Caroline Bingham. Media Parents' next event is a Technical Catch Up in London on June 13th. Please email to reserve a place.
Duncan Martin, Pro Motion Hire MD writes: “Our event will de-mystify the latest hot topic which is 4K production and also give you a bit of a taster for Data Management. We think that for too long, new technology has been viewed as a scary subject that only very technical minds can approach. We want to break down these ideas and make subjects such as 4K and Data Management accessible to everyone. We know from our own experience and client feedback the main issues and pitfalls that can occur and we have used all this to create training that gives real life practical advice whilst providing a great theoretical foundation to the topic. After the success of our Back To Work seminar and networking event in January we are very excited to be offering this follow up session and look forward to seeing you on the 13th June.”
To book a place on this amazing training course please email NOW! The course takes place on the morning of June 13th in South East London, and everyone is welcome to attend. We already have a great turn out from HoPs and employers, and would like to see freelancers who need to know about data management and kit attending this user-friendly catch up course. The response to the last course we ran was brilliant, you can get an idea of it here:

Pro Mo Hire's Alain took questions from the floor throughout the demonstrations. Here ITN's Bella Barr interjects on the tech spec she is asked to deliver at
This course is completely FREE to Media Parents freelancers and networkers. We ask anyone else attending to pay £15 which is redeemable against a networker sub or a monthly talent sub. Brilliant! To get on the list now please email