Five Minutes with… Emma Hill, Digital Producer
February 8, 2013 @ 7:28 pm Posted in News CommentsSo, I’m just a few working days into my latest job, on a new Channel 4 show – Bedtime Live. As ever, schedules are tight, pressure is high and everyone’s working hard to make the show the best they possibly can. Emma Hill is in the TALENT section of
I’m Senior Producer for digital/interactive/social media/online/whatever-other-name-you-care-to-throw-at-it. I got the job after I saw a vacancy with Twofour on Media Parents. Next thing I know, I was drafted in to quickly take the reins on the content for the digital and interactive elements of the show. A white knuckle ride, but hugely rewarding. It’s a freelance contract that will keep me busy until the show ends in April.
There’s a lot to get my head around – we’ll be using social and online media to find contributors, promote the show, engage our users and pull comments and stories in from viewers about their own experiences.
We’ll also be providing stacks of online and interactive information and entertainment around our subject matter. There’ll be tips and hints from experts too, leading me neatly on to my next point – what is the show about?
Now, us Media Parents know that working and getting the kids in bed (and to stay asleep) at night are often two conflicting aims. Bedtime Live – spearheaded by child psychology expert and TV regular Professor Tanya Byron – aims to help the parents of the nation get their kids settled and secure for the night. It also focuses on the problems sleep deprivation can cause for parents and kids alike.
The team have been speaking to parents from across the UK who have particularly difficult sleep situations to deal with and the show’s experts will be helping some of those parents get their kids into a bedtime routine that works for all the family.

How lucky am I to be working in a job that reflects some of my life? Emma Hill talks about the job she heard about through Media Parents.
How lucky am I to be working in a job that reflects some of my life? Being a working parent and trying to make sure everyone in the family gets enough sleep is a challenge all of us face at one time or another. (I know I need all the help I can get!)
The show’s team are still looking for contributors. So, if you have a child with sleep problems – or know someone who does – do get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.
We’re on Twitter @BedtimeLive24, Facebook and you can call us on 0207 438 1809 or email us at
Bedtime Live premieres on Channel 4 from mid-March.
I have worked as digital/interactive/online producer for high profile broadcast-related projects and within digital design and build agencies. As a freelancer, my clients have included: Channel 4/Endemol; BBC; Disney; Discovery Communications and Granada Media.
In addition to this, I am an emerging drama scriptwriter and I am currently a participant on the Street Voices 4 scheme, taught by Mark Catley and run by Freedom Studios.