5 minutes with… Jim Shreim, PD
January 25, 2012 @ 12:40 pm Posted in News Comments
Jim Shreim, Hannah Eastwood, Jamie Matson and Amy Walker are in the TALENT section of www.mediaparents.co.uk. Matt Holden and Amy Walker are in the NETWORK section of www.mediaparents.co.uk
Media Parents talent worked flexibly in production across this new series for Michelle Chappell at Channel Five, made by Mentorn Media. In order to make the overseas budget go further, Jim Shreim, PD, and Hannah Eastwood, DV Director, shot material for all four shows in the series on a single trip to the U.S.A. We had extensive discussions with all directors on shooting style, and created a shooting style bible, in advance of shoots in order to keep consistency. [If you want to indicate that you have worked with anyone else on the site, or could jobshare with other people on www.mediaparents.co.uk please use the collaborator button on your profile. It's near the one that says "I've had work through Media Parents". If you don't know anyone on Media Parents to collaborate with then please come to our events to meet people. They are good.]
The World’s Greatest Daredevils episode, which TXes on Channel Five TONIGHT, Thursday 26th January 2012 at 8pm, contains some of the most spectacular footage I have ever seen, so if you’re at home with the children tonight, please watch.
The series was immediately recommissioned on transmission of the first episode, so as the final ep is being delivered to Five, the show has gone back into production again. What this has made me realise is that if you get a job through Media Parents, it may well not be a single gig, but repeatable business. Freelancers have been telling me since Media Parents started that companies who found them through us have re-employed them, and, recently, another Series Producer working independently at Mentorn told me that she was on her second job at the company through Media Parents, which is great to hear.
Media Parents has a wealth of experienced top-end talent. We also have great APs and researchers, but not many, so many of our advertised jobs at this level go unfilled. If you know good researchers, APs, co-ordinators and production secretaries who have 3 years’ or more TV experience, please tell them about www.mediaparents.co.uk.

See www.mediaparents.co.uk for great networking, talent, jobs and information. To contact anyone on the Media Parents blog please go to the NETWORK part of the Media Parents site. To join us please go to www.mediaparents.co.uk