Happy Father’s Day, Robert Horne!
June 17, 2011 @ 12:36 am Posted in News CommentsLighting Director Rob Horne walked the length of the Thames (183 miles) in memory of his son Elliot, who died in childbirth. (See article here https://blog.mediaparents.co.uk/2011/05/robert-horne-walks-in-memory-of-his-son/). Rob has raised £4,120 + £1000 from Jo’s employer. We’d like to say huge congratulations to Rob for the walk, thanks to everyone from Media Parents who has sponsored and if you’d still like to donate, you can here http://www.justgiving.com/Robert-Horne-Sands until the end of June 17th (TODAY!). There’s something else that Rob and Jo should be congratulated on – he’s right here:

Jo and Rob Horne's son Peter James Elliot Horne was born a happy and healthy 7lb 7oz. http://www.justgiving.com/Robert-Horne-Sands

In reverse order, photos from Rob Horne's Thames Walk to raise money for neo natal death charity SANDS. Here he is reaching the Thames Barrier after 183 miles.

Rob and Jo Horne with friends, family and Media Parents. Photos by Rob and Peter Horne unless stated.