5 minutes with… Terry Tyldesley, PD/mum/rockstar
May 6, 2011 @ 9:44 am Posted in Events, News CommentsInstead of buying a Harley Davidson, I started a grrrl band. And yes I’m over 40, and rapidly turning into Cheryl Cole’s worst nightmare, writes TERRY TYLDESLEY.

Pink rocker Terry Tyldesley fronts the band Suburban Mousewife and is a Producer / Director. She can be found in the TALENT section of http://www.mediaparents.co.uk/.
Suburban Mousewife are unashamedly lo-fi, political, punky and a bit poppy, and on Friday 6th May we’re playing at Amy Lamé’s Camden Mayoress’ Ball (scroll down for FREE tickets) along with hotly-tipped young bands, and cool DJs. It’s a world away from PD-ing documentaries and award-winning current affairs, (though there have been a few rock and roll films too).
It’s been a transferrable skillsfest so far. I’ve learned about singing, sound, cabling, new bands, social media and widgets, and making a downloadable EP. My script-writing is being finessed by crafting punchy songs and I’m well on my way to being a Multimedia Parent with a 360º venture, and plenty of programme ideas.

Terry Tyldesley (left) is in the TALENT section of http://www.mediaparents.co.uk please use the link to book her for your next gig.
The band has had an enormous amount of goodwill, and yes, cheering, and played all kinds of trendy venues and small festivals. We’re not just tolerated, we get invited back. Being outspoken females of a certain age (3/5 of us are parents) is our USP, and we played a riotous gig at star jewellers Tatty Devine’s Xmas party.
My bandmates are 4 gutsy women, including a vivacious physics teacher (I’m determined to get her on TV), an amazing art lecturer, an angel-voiced copyright expert turned professional musician, and a local indie legend.
As for my kids, they think it’s just what mums do. They’ve only seen us once, at the sole venue they could legally get into – a street festival. The older one feigned embarrassment and the younger one came up and kissed me mid-song – very sweet, but a bit distracting. My husband is wonderfully supportive and doubles as photographer and roadie.

Terry Tyldesley: "As for my kids, they think it’s just what mums do... The older one feigned embarrassment and the younger one came up and kissed me mid-song – very sweet, but a bit distracting."
Playing in a band is a refreshingly direct way of communicating – you can see why film stars (hello Hugh Laurie) itch to do it. It’s like having your own TV station and no channel controller. Our favourite song, My Idol Is Me, is all about airhead culture and older women being banished from TV. Simon Cowell won’t like it, but it’s still catchy.
Not everyone’s impressed though. An AP I worked with was completely unfazed by my secret, (now not so secret) life. Her previous PD was also a burlesque dancer.
*** You can win tickets to the ball by entering a competition on the Tatty Devine website:
Gig details: http://www.barflyclub.com/camden/whatson/event/30387.aspx
EP download: www.soundcloud.com/suburbanmousewife