Tiger Aspect Meets Media Parents… gallery
February 20, 2011 @ 9:04 pm Posted in Events, News CommentsTuesday Feb 15th was the first Media Parents networking event that has focussed on Media Parents talent meeting Execs from a single company – Tiger Aspect. Tiger Aspect Meets Media Parents was a unique opportunity to put faces to names in a relaxed atmosphere at Soho House Basement. Because Tiger Aspect’s productions cover such a wide range of genres, Execs and 50 talented people from across the board at Media Parents – Factual and Features, Drama, Comedy, Production Management, Children’s and Entertainment – were able to network into the night. Media Parents would like to thank everyone who gave up their time to make the event a great success.
Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to network and meet fantastic people at Tiger Aspect, I got to see Ruth, Toby and Richard who were all excellent and made me feel positive about getting back into tv after having a baby.
I got to meet some of my production heroes in a relaxed atmosphere. Thanks.
Just a quickie to say thank you so much for hosting a fab night (and for all your hard work)! I really enjoyed myself and got some invaluable advice from other media parents and TA Execs. It’s so great to have access to people that you wouldn’t ordinarily have. Media Parents are doing such a good job – keep up the good work!
“Everyone here very positive!”
Wow – thanks so much! I really enjoyed the evening and honestly can’t imagine that it could have gone any better. I liked the people I met very much and they seemed to get a lot out of the evening.I found it very useful and I’m glad I came, you and everyone at Tiger Aspect were very helpful and open. I found out I already know someone on the development team…
First of all a big thanks for a great event. It was really good to have a named person to aim for (in my case Richard Thomson) as well as the opportunity to talk to others. I had a great chat with Ruth Pitt and she was keen for me to make further contact after the event. Wine and nibbles gave it a real sense of occasion.I enjoyed myself and actually both Ruth Pitt and Rebecca from factual asked me to get in touch with them to arrange meeting/coffee.thanks for putting on a great evening and I really appreciate talking to such wonderful people… Media Parents is going to only get better and better!There was a very positive vibe to the evening and it was also nice to catch up with former colleagues and contacts. It felt like proper networking and was truly a fantastic opportunity to meet new people in the industry – and I hope that goes both ways for Tiger!
With thanks to Tiger Aspect and Soho House for their generous support for this event, and to Leila Amanpour for taking the photographs.
www.mediaparents.co.uk - the jobs and social networking site for short term, part time, job share and regular hours jobs in media