January 26, 2011 @ 4:22 pm Posted in Events, News CommentsI’m delighted to announce our next event – Tiger Aspect meets Media Parents.

www.mediaparents.co.uk is a new jobs and social networking website for people who want to work flexibly in media.
This is an exclusive opportunity for Media Parents to meet Creative Heads, Executive Producers and Production Managers from Tiger Aspect. The Company is renowned for the breadth and depth of its portfolio. Tiger Aspect produces Drama, Comedy, Entertainment, Factual, Children’s and Animation.
Tiger Aspect HR Director Helen Matthews was so impressed by the talent she met at the Media Parents CV Event (see blog.mediaparents.co.uk) that she persuaded Tiger Aspect’s managers to take part, and was supported wholeheartedly by Tiger Aspect’s founder Peter Bennett-Jones.
There are 50 places available for Media Parents talent to meet Tiger Aspect both in an informal networking session and a timed appointment set-up on the evening. If you would like to attend this event you’ll need to submit your CV and covering letter for selection and admission will be by ticket only through http://mediaparentsmeetstiger.eventbrite.com
This event is for subscribers to www.mediaparents.co.uk and to encourage new people to join our network, and there will be a small admin charge. Tiger Aspect are inviting experienced talent from across the board to come and meet them – PMs, PDs, picture editors, directors, SPs, execs, EPs, APs, researchers, shooters, co-ordinators, writers so please purchase a ticket and send a CV marked with your full name, job title and ticket number to events@mediaparents.co.uk
If you have any questions please email events@mediaparents.co.uk but hopefully this covers it.
Media Parents thanks Tiger Aspect and Soho House for their support for this event – www.mediaparents.co.uk – yeah!

www.mediaparents.co.uk is a new jobs and social networking website for people who want to work flexibly in media. If you would like to share your experience on our blog please email admin@mediaparents.co.uk or contact us through the Media Parents site