Media Parents

Media Parents MediaCity UK networking gallery

MD and true north

By Amy Walker | Published November 25, 2012 | Full size is 1981 × 1478 pixels

Sarah Murch, left, MD of Blakeway North told freelancers to ask for flexible working, but be realistic in their choice of programmes to target. "Great turnout, really good bunch of people. Sarah said "Media Parents is a really good organisation and very worthwhile. On the flexible working topic, I thought the evening worked really well. The key point is that no one does it for you, you have to work out what's best for you."

louise from fasttrain more intros crowd

Sarah Murch, left, MD of Blakeway North told freelancers to ask for flexible working, but be realistic in their choice of programmes to target. “Great turnout, really good bunch of people. Sarah said “Media Parents is a really good organisation and very worthwhile. On the flexible working topic, I thought the evening worked really well. The key point is that no one does it for you, you have to work out what’s best for you.”

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